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Two items to bring to your attention today:

1. Latest COVID-19 relief bill was passed by Senate last  night. This bill was passed to help funnel funds into the US economy to assist workers and businesses survive the pandemic. The bill has not yet passed the House or been signed by the President. We are working on a summary of key points and will get those out once it’s though the house.

2. FFCRA Poster- The DOL published a Families First    Coronavirus Response Act notice you are required to post. You can download the poster here. 
When sharing electronically with staff, you may wish to remind them that it does not currently appear that county-required “stay at home” requirements qualify as a “quarantine or isolation order”. 
 Below we condensed and included some of the questions & answers the DOL provided regarding the posting.  Call us with any questions. 
Q. Where do I post this notice? If most of my workforce is teleworking, do I electronically “post” this notice?
Each covered employer must post a notice of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) requirements in a conspicuous place on its premises. An employer may satisfy this requirement by emailing or direct mailing this notice to employees, or posting this notice on an employee information internal or external website.
Q. Do I have to post this notice in other languages that my employees speak? Where can I get the notice in other languages?
You are not required to post this notice in multiple languages, but the Department of Labor (Department) is working to translate it into other languages.
Q. Do I have to share this notice with recently laid-off individuals or new applicants?
No, the FFCRA requirements explained on this notice apply only to current employees, including new hires.
Q. I am a small business owner. Do I have to post this notice?
Yes. All employers covered by the paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave provisions of the FFCRA (i.e., certain public sector employers and private sector employers with fewer than 500 employees) are required to post this notice.
Q. Our employees must report to our main office headquarters each morning and then go off to work at our different worksite locations.  Do we have to post this notice at all of our different worksite locations?
The notice needs to be displayed in a conspicuous place where employees can see it. If they are able to see it at the main office, it is not necessary to display the notice at your different worksite locations.

Q. Our company has many buildings. Our employees report directly to the building where they work, and there is no requirement that they first report to our main office prior to commencing work. Do I have to post this notice in each of our buildings?

Yes. Where an employer has employees reporting directly to work in several different buildings, the employer must post all required federal notices in each building, even if the buildings are located in the same general vicinity (e.g., in an industrial park or on a campus).

Stay At Home Orders & FFCRA Update

March 25 - Posted at 10:00 AM Tagged: , , , , , , ,
Many counties are issuing “stay at home” orders where only businesses deemed as “essential” can continue remain open. These lists of “essential” businesses are not uniform from county to county so you will need to check your county’s Emergency Executive Order to determine if your business would qualify as “essential” or not. We have a copy of the Orange County, Florida Executive Order that was signed yesterday (3/24/2020) and will continue to obtain copies from other counties as those are signed/passed.

If your business is deemed as “essential”, we also have sample letters you can provide to employees to use for travel. Please let us know if you need copies of these samples for use.

If your business qualifies as “essential”, push the fact that you are staying open as a positive. Make sure each employee understands that you are trying to keep them working and getting paid as long as you can so they can take care of their families. Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), the paid leave does not take effect until April 1st so anyone not working prior to 4/1 will not be eligible for payments under the FFCRA. 

Attached is an update to the presentation we sent out last week when the FFCRA was first passed with changes included.  You can access the updated presentation   here.

You may have heard the Senate stuck a deal late last night on an additional relief bill, but it still has not yet passed the House. More details on the provisions of this bill will be forthcoming once it is signed into law by the President.
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