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AAG’s 2024 Labor & Employment Law Webinar Recording is Available

April 24 - Posted at 11:00 AM Tagged: , , , ,
The recorded presentation of AAG’s 2024 Educational Seminar held on April 16, 2024 is now available for viewing. Guest Speaker and Attorney Keith Hammond, of Hammond Law Center, focused on changes in Federal and State employment law that impact Florida employers as well as providing insight on handbook policies that should be reviewed and updates from the NLRB.

This seminar is also approved for 2 Professional Development Credits (PDCs) with SHRM for all attendees.

How Small Employers Are Preparing for a Recession

November 28 - Posted at 10:10 AM Tagged: , , , ,

Small organizations have overcome a range of HR challenges in recent years, from managing through a pandemic and converting employees to remote and hybrid work to talent shortages, widespread resignations, and inflation’s impact on compensation and benefits. For those who work at small companies, these challenges can be even more difficult due to a lack of resources and training.

A recession likely is looming, according to many economists who predict that rising inflation will slow business revenues through much of next year and prompt layoffs, some of which have already been announced at large companies such as Amazon, Meta and Disney.

While larger companies often are better suited to survive a downturn, small organizations can find it much more challenging, which is why many are taking steps now to prepare. The following are several ways in which small businesses can gear up for a possible recession while keeping employees’ best interests in mind.

Cut Back on Spending

When a recession is on the horizon, smaller organizations should immediately review all spending and look for ways to reduce or eliminate unnecessary costs, said Linda Chavez, founder and CEO at Seniors Life Insurance Finder in New York City. Given uncertain economic indicators, Chavez said, she is keeping compensation flat for her 50 employees and is operating as lean as possible.

“We have been prudent in our spending in recent years and have built up a cash reserve that will help us weather any storm,” she said. “I’m optimistic about the future because I believe that our company is well-positioned to weather a recession. We have a strong product and a loyal customer base.”

Reduce Bonuses

To many small employers, retaining their workforce is of greatest importance. David Aylor, founder and CEO of David Aylor Law Offices in South Carolina, said his priority is to keep his 15 employees on payroll throughout the duration of the recession and not spend on bonuses to make up for lost revenue.

“We have no plans to lay any of our people off,” he said. “Although we may have to cut down on our bonuses, we fully intend to continue to offer salary raises to keep our existing employees happy. This is because the cost of recruiting and training new employees is very high. So even in a recession, it will be cheaper to give existing employees raises than to lose them.” 

Lease Out Employees 

Commercial and residential real estate has taken a major hit this year due to rising interest rates. At Borgia Consulting Corp., a service title insurance agency with 10 employees in Fort Myers, Fla., real estate closings have dropped 75 percent in recent months. Fearing the situation will get worse during a recession, owner Karina Lacroix is now leasing out her employees to other companies.

“We get to keep the employee on our payroll, but their income is being covered by the company leasing the employee,” she explained. “If our business turns and we need the employee back, the new company is already aware and the employee would return to their daily activities with our company. That will keep us from having to find qualified candidates for those positions in the future and have to train again.”

Employees are able to continue their relationship with Lacroix’s company and keep receiving their pay, while other employers benefit from having skilled workers on their team, at least on a temporary basis.

“I’m really hopeful that all of my staff will be back together again soon,” Lacroix said. “If I were not hopeful, I would not have leased them out and would have laid them off instead.” 

Consider Raising Prices 

Rather than laying off any employees, some businesses are raising their prices to make up for lost revenue. Tom Monson, owner at Monson Lawn Care and Landscaping in the Minneapolis area, has taken this approach to protect his 12 employees.

“We’ve done our best to keep inflation at bay, but eventually we had to raise our prices to keep up with our spending,” he said. “We’ve tried to cut our costs without laying off employees so that we’d have a little bit of wiggle room in our coffers to absorb some of a recession. And if it turns out this is all overblown, then we can use that money for more advertising or to upgrade some of our equipment.”

Monson added that as a small business, “the only thing I really can do is to plan ahead, make sure our relationships with our customers are solid and not overexpand my business when it looks like things might be rough on the horizon.”

Research Employee Needs

If you aren’t sure how to proceed when attempting to prepare for a recession, consider advice offered by Julia Christenson, U.S. chair of employee experience at global public relations and communications services firm Edelman.

“Understanding your employees, their day-to-day life and what they are facing is crucial,” she said. “Many companies, especially those with front-line workers, are removed from the daily challenges employees face and don’t have a full understanding of how the recession will impact them. This is particularly true for companies with multi-generational workforces who face a range of social issues and different priorities.”

According to the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer, which measures employee trust in the workplace, 90 percent of people want organizations to protect the well-being and financial security of their employees and suppliers, even if it means suffering financial losses.

“In preparing for the recession, companies should carefully evaluate the commitments made to employees and the potential trade-offs in continuing to manage employee trust and engagement,” Christenson said. “It’s also critical that companies continue to foster real and true transparency around financial rigor, pay equity and financial decision-making.”

Lacroix said she is committed to putting her employees’ needs at the forefront while ensuring that her business is able to survive the downturn. 

“I believe that as business owners, we have the responsibility of protecting and keeping our employees happy,” she said. “[I thought] of how we can protect our staff but also help our bottom line during the recession. It’s up to us to come up with ideas that may be considered out-of-the-box to be able to bend with shifting markets and benefit our work family.”

She continued, “I’m sure that if other business owners consider their staff as family, they also will come up with a variety of ways to help their staff and their company during those market changes.”

Article courtesy of The Society of Human Resource & Management (SHRM)

AAG’s 2020 Educational Seminar

March 03 - Posted at 9:15 AM Tagged: , , , , , ,
Join us this year to learn about the various hot topics in labor law affecting employers today and recommendations for compliance.

Guest speaker and Attorney Keith Hammond, of Hammond Law Center, will focus on changes in employment law within the last few months. He will specifically focus on how agencies are now un-doing many of the rules that were implemented during the previous administration.
Guest speaker and Certified Financial Planner Ryan Evans, with Evans Financial Partners, will also discuss steps on how employers can reduce their fiduciary liability for their retirement plans.

Where: 641 S Maitland Ave, Maitland, FL 32751
When: Wednesday, April 17th
Time: 9:00 – 11:00am EDT
Registration begins at 8:30am
Cost $149 / person or FREE for AAG Clients

The seminar is approved for 2 professional development credits (PDCs) with SHRM for attendees.

Please be sure to RSVP by Monday, April 6th as seating is limited and we expect searing to fill up fast.

For more information or to reserve your seat, please contact or 386-738-1895 x109.

AAG’s Seminar- One Year Into The Trump Administration

February 13 - Posted at 1:00 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , , ,

Hosted by AAG & Hammond Law Center

With one year concluded under the Trump Administration, recent developments both related and unrelated to politics have drastically impacted the workplace. Join us to learn about these changes and their ramifications.

Guest Speaker Keith Hammond, of Hammond Law Center, will cover topics including:
  • Employment & Immigration Law
  • Workplace Sexual Harassment
  • Wage & Hour Developments
  • Paid Leave Laws
  • NLRB Update

We will also have a guest speaker for the last portion of the seminar who will discuss Cyber Risk & Insurance.

Please be sure to RSVP by Friday, March 30th via email ( or phone (#386-738-1895 x109) as seating is limited and we expect seating to fill up fast.

When: Thursday, April 12th, 2018
Time: 8:30- 10:30 am (Registration begins at 8:00am)
Where: Maitland Civic Center
641 Maitland Ave South, Maitland, FL 32751

Cost: $149 / person (FREE to AAG Clients!)

You will also be eligible to receive 2 professional development credits with SHRM for this seminar.

Transparency is a Must in the Electronic Age

March 07 - Posted at 3:01 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The infamous internal memo concerning eliminating telework at Yahoo was never intended for public release. At the top of the memo the call for privacy was clearly defined as “Proprietary and Confidential Information- Do Not Forward”. However, despite Yahoo’s directive, the memo was leaked on a blog post on February 22, 2013. This leak resulted in a lot of online attention – most of it bad. But it is not the first time a firm’s information has been leaked online and it will not be the last.


Recently, a Groupon CEO tweeted “I was fired today”. As a British entertainment retailer was announcing that it was laying off nearly 200 employees, a member of the company’s social media team took to Twitter and posted “We’re tweeting live from HR where we’re all being fired! Exciting!!”.


It is an aspect of the business world now. From layoffs to policy changes, decisions and information that was intended only for the eyes of your staff may actually be shared with the world via social media now.


The question- what is management to do?


Be Transparent and Proactive


To be transparent is to be clear and concise about expected or even suspected changes that have the potential to be controversial and could cause issues internally with your staff. Employer privacy is very limited and you can not realistically control what someone posts on their blog, Facebook, or Twitter account. Corporate bad news has a way of seeping into the limelight online.


“In the era of social medial and social sharing there’s almost no such thing as a truly internal e-mail announcement,” said Curtis Midkiff, director of social strategy and engagement at SHRM. “There are ways to share confidential information with your employees, but e-mail may not be the most appropriate because it is not a truly private form of communication. You can put as may disclaimers as you want, but when you push send…you always have to be prepared for it to fall in the wrong hands. You should almost pre plan that the e-mail may be seen by unintended audiences.”


One way to pre plan and be proactive is to break the news on social media sites yourself first. For example, Zappos CEO often tweets memos to employees from his Zappos Twitter account. He did so a few years ago when the company announced layoffs.


Another good rule of thumb? Try to limit surprises by including workers in decision early on, if at all possible. There are different obligations depending on if the company is a public or privately held company, but the more input that employees feel they have the better they will handle change in the long run.


Companies can try to soften the blow of bad news by keeping employees in the loop and telling them that change is coming. They can educate their employees on the process so that when the memo actually comes out, they are expecting it and do not freak out and leak it online.


Bad news is never good news and you can strive to be as transparent as possible with information. However, business leaders often have to make difficult and unpopular decisions and it can, in the end, become difficult to manage the emotions or reaction of one employee.

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