Proposed Changes for the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)

January 16 - Posted at 6:35 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

On December 22, 2014, the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued proposed regulations for changes to the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC).


The proposed regulations clarify when and how a plan administrator or insurer must provide an SBC, shortens the SBC template, adds a third cost example, and revises the uniform glossary. The proposed regulations provide new information and also incorporate several FAQs that have been issued since the final SBC regulations were issued in 2012.


These proposed changes are effective for plan years and open enrollment period beginning on or after September 1, 2015. Comments on the proposed regulations will be accepted until March 2,2015 and are encourages on many of the provisions.


New Template


The new SBC template eliminates a significant amount of information that the Departments characterized as not being required by law and/or as having been identified by consumer testing as less useful for choosing coverage.


The sample completed SBC template for a standard group health plan has been reduced from four double-sided pages to two-and-a-half double-sided pages. Some of the other changes include:


  • An additional cost example for a simple foot fracture treated in an emergency room, which will be added to the two current examples. This new example is proposed as a health problem that any individual could experience, while the two current examples- having a baby and managing type 2 diabetes- affect only certain individuals.
  • The coverage example calculator will be authorized for continued use and updated claims and pricing data for the two existing exampled and the third example will be provided.
  • References to annual limits for essential health benefits (EHBs) and preexisting condition exclusions  will be removed.
  • Information regarding minimum essential coverage (MEC) and minimum value (MV) has been revised and must be included in the SBC. This effectively ends a temporary enforcement safe harbor that previously permitted statements about MEC and MV to be included in a cover letter rather than in the SBC.
  • Premium information may be included in an SBC, but it is not required.
  • All SBCs must include an issuer website where the individual policy or group certificate of coverage can be reviewed and obtained. Plan administrators are not required to include a website separate from the issuer website.
  • SBCs for individual policies will be required to disclose whether abortion services are covered or excluded and whether coverage is limited to services for which federal funding is allowed.


Glossary Revisions

Revisions to the uniform glossary have also been proposed. The glossary must be available to plan participants upon request. Some definitions have been changed and new medical terms such as claim, screening, referral and specialty drug have been added. Additional terms related to health care reform such as individual responsibility requirement, minimum value and cost-sharing reductions have also been added.


Paper vs Electronic Distribution

SBCs may continue to be provided electronically to group plan participants in connection with their online enrollment or online renewal of coverage. SBCs may also be provided electronically to participants who request an SBC online. These individuals must also have the option to receive a paper copy upon request.


SBCs for self-insured non-federal government plans may continue to be provided electronically if the plan conforms to either the electronic distribution requirements that apply ERISA plan or the rules that apply to individual health insurance coverage.


Types of Plans to Which SBCs Apply

The regulations confirm that SBCs are not required for expatriate health plans, Medicare Advantage plans or plans that qualify as excepted benefits. Excepted benefits include:


  • Employee Assistance Plans (EAPs) that meet the requirements to be excepted benefits
  • Health Savings Account (HSAs) because they are not group health plans
  • Dental and vision coverage that meet the requirements to be excepted benefits


SBCs are required for:

  • Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) because they are considered group health plans
  • Health Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) if they do not qualify as excepted benefits

With Congress in its summer recess, now is a good time to reflect on the top ACA issues worth monitoring as 2015 quickly approaches.  Here are a handful of key issues to watch:


Dueling Court Cases on Federal Subsidies


One issue grabbing national headlines is the dueling decisions coming out of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia (Halbig v. Burwell) and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (King v. Burwell) on missing language in the ACA that would have authorized the federal government to provide premium subsidies to individuals who sign up for health plans through the federal Exchanges. The legal issue in these court cases is whether the ACA premium tax credit (aka subsidy) is available to those individuals who enroll in qualified health plans (QHP) through state operated Exchanges or if it is available only to those to enroll in a QHP through a federally funded Exchange. 


A primary concern is that a significant number of people in about two-thirds of the states (who did not set up a state-run Exchange) rely on the subsidy to purchase a plan in the federal Exchange. Specifically, the ACA’s employer mandate penalty of $3000 is based upon an employer having an employee seek coverage through an Exchange and receive the federal premium subsidy. In general, the employer mandate requires that “applicable large employers” offer their full-time employees minimum essential coverage or potentially pay a tax penalty.  However, according to the statutory text of the ACA, the penalties under the employer mandate are triggered only if an employee receives a subsidy to purchase coverage through an Exchange established by the states. Both cases are being appealed to higher courts and will likely be consolidated into one case to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court in the not so distant future.  


In an interesting development, a video surfaced last week featuring one of the ACA’s chief architects (John Gruber) saying that health insurance subsidies should only be available in those states who opt to build and implement state-based Exchanges to gain participation. The idea was to create an incentive to have states actively involved in the hosting of an Exchange, rather than relying on the federal government to operate the Exchanges in each state.  Whether this video will be used as evidence to uphold the argument that subsidies can only be offered by state-based Exchanges remains to be seen.   


Lack of Back End Software for Federal Exchange


Of course, one of the big news stories in 2013 and early 2014 was the substandard launch of the federal Exchange, which led to many Americans having to wait to be enrolled in an ACA-compliant health plan.  Although some technical snafus have been addressed, there are many that still remain.  For example, a top White House official recently told Congress that the automated system that is supposed to send premium payments to insurance companies is still under development, and they did not have a completion date for it yet. The lack of an electronic verification process is only one part of the “backend” software that is still problematic five years after PPACA was passed.


Future of Navigators in Comparison with the Value of Brokers 


Several recent studies have touted the benefits of using third parties, such as Brokers, to help consumers find coverage under the ACA. Some of these studies have focused on the usefulness of using Brokers/Agents over the benefits of using Navigators.  A recent Urban Institute study found that health insurance Brokers were the most helpful in providing health insurance Exchange information when compared to other types of resources, including Navigators and website content. However, there are other published studies showcasing how Navigators have been useful to consumers.  That being said, Brokers have assumed an integral role supporting millions of Americans in securing and maintaining coverage for many decades, and continue to be knowledgeable resources, as they are licensed in the states they operate in, whereas Navigators are not required to meet the same licensing standards as Brokers/Agents.  It will be interesting to see what the future holds for Navigators, who are not as experienced and who are, in the end, dependent upon federal grants to provide their services.  


Provider Access Issues & Emergency Room Over-Usage


A number of public policymakers have raised concerns recently about the fact that there are shortages of key physicians and other providers and as a result is causing a increase in non-emergent patient visits to expensive ER departments. A recent story in the New York Times highlighted similar concerns, saying the ACA cannot change the fact that visiting an emergency room may be easier than seeing a primary care physician in some instances or locations. Other stories and studies highlight how the ACA and health care reform initiatives can affect access to providers in many different ways, such as changing reimbursement levels, improving the availability of certain types of specialists, or re-educating the patient to move from visiting the ER department to either making an appointment ahead-of-time or visiting a less expensive Urgent Care center for care.


Premium Rate Increases


Another critical issue to monitor are premium increases that might be occurring in spite of the initial promises that the ACA would lower health care costs. Health plans have begun publishing proposed rates for 2015, resulting in a recent flurry of news articles and reports addressing the impact of the ACA on insurance premiums. 


The Wall Street Journal published a front page report discussing the ACA’s impact on premium increases earlier this summer, saying, “Hundreds of thousands of consumers nationwide, who bought insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act, will face a choice this fall: swallow higher premiums to stay in their plans or save money by switching.”  


The Journal goes on to say that a new picture is emerging in 10 states where 2015 premium insurance rates for individual plans have been filed, “In all but one (state), the largest health insurer is proposing to increase premiums between 8.5% to 22.8% next year.”  Ironically, smaller health plans are reducing their 2015 rates in the same market in an attempt to gain market share.  


The significance of this trend is underscored in a statement released earlier this summer by Karen Ignagni, president & CEO of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), in which she expressed concerns about keeping health insurance affordable for patients. “Affordability remains a top priority for consumers when it comes to their health care,” she said.


Bonus:  Be Sure To Watch The Political Races


With the ACA’s continued challenges, the ups and downs of the U.S. economy, key world events in the Middle East, and other confounding variables, one has to wonder what will happen during the mid-year elections this fall. As reported by CNN and other news outlets, the ACA became an key issue in Obama’s 2012 re-election victory as well as Democrats picking up seats in the Senate and House in that election.  


As November 3, 2015 approaches, many different messages could be sent back to the White House and Congress. If Republicans take over the Senate and retain control of the House, how will this impact the ACA over the next several years?  If the congressional houses remain split, we may have less going on by either political party. How will the state-level elections impact the ACA and state-run Exchanges? Only time will tell.

Health Care Reform: Employers Should Prepare Now for 2015 to Avoid Penalties

August 20 - Posted at 2:00 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), beginning in 2015, certain large employers who do not offer affordable health insurance that provides minimum value to their full-time employees may be subject to significant penalties.


In a nutshell, in 2015, “applicable large employers” will be subject to an annualized employer “shared responsibility” penalty of $2,000 (indexed) per full-time employee (minus the first 80 full-time employees in 2015) if the employer does not offer health insurance to at least 70% of their full-time employees and their dependents. This amount will be increase from 70% to 95% after 2015. This is commonly referred to as the “Pay or Play” penalty.


Even if an applicable large employer offers insurance coverage to full-time employees, the employer still could be subject to an annualized penalty of $3,000 (indexed) per employee who receives an Exchange subsidy if  the offered employer-sponsored health coverage does not meet minimum value standards or is not affordable. This $3000 penalty is capped at the amount that would apply if the $2,000 penalty described above were to apply.


What should an employer do now to prepare for these penalties?


(A) Determine if they are an “applicable large employer” -To do this, employers should count both full-time employees and part-time employee hours as follows:


1) Count the full-time employees for each month in the prior year.


2) Count the full-time equivalents for each month in the prior year.


a) Add total hours for non-full-time employees but count no more than 120 hours per month for any one non-full-time employee.


b) Divide the number obtained in (a) by 120. This is the full-time equivalent number.


3) Add the numbers obtained in (1) and (2) above (i.e., the full-time employee and full-time equivalent numbers) for each month.


4) Add the 12 sums obtained in (3) and divide by 12. This is the average number of full-time employees and full-time equivalents.


5) If this number obtained in (4) is under 50 (or under 100 for the 2015 determination for certain employers), the employer is not an applicable large employer for the year being determined.


Note: The applicable large employer is determined on a controlled group basis. For example, if there are three companies, each of which is wholly owned by the same parent company, the companies are all considered one employer for this calculation. Also note that, special transition rules apply in determining applicable large employer status for 2015 and that a special seasonal employee exception may apply even if the threshold in (5) is exceeded.


(B) If an employer will be an applicable large employer in 2015, it should determine whether it could be subject to penalties in 2015. For example, the employer should review its group health plan to determine if the insurance coverage is “offered” to full-time employees meets minimum value standards and is considered affordable to employees.


© An employer also will need to address how it will determine the full-time status of employees – will it use the “monthly measurement period” or the “look back measurement period.” This is particularly important for employers who have many variable-hour employees or seasonal employees.


(D) If the employer’s group health plan does not meet the threshold tests to avoid the penalties noted above, the employer should evaluate whether it wants to restructure its health care offerings or pay the penalties (which are non-deductible).



(E) Finally, employers should review their data collection procedures to ensure that they will be able to report the healthcare information required to be reported for 2015 (the actual reporting will occur in 2016 for the 2015 calendar year). Insurers, sponsors of self-insured plans, and other entities that provide minimum essential coverage during a calendar year will be required to report certain information to the IRS and to participants. In addition, applicable large employers will be required to report about the coverage they provide to both the IRS and to their employees. Drafts of the IRS forms to be used in reporting this information have recently been published (Form 1095-BForm 1095-B TransmittalForm 1095-CForm 1095-C Transmittal). Employers should review these forms to understand the data that will need to be reported. 


It is not too late for employers to take action now to avoid penalties in 2015. 

Insurance Premium Rebates- Can the Company Keep the Money?

August 18 - Posted at 2:00 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , , ,

In short, it depends.


Recently, several clients have received their annual premium rebate checks from their group health insurance company and are looking for guidance on the proper use of these funds. Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA”), it requires health insurance companies now operate on specific medical loss ratios (80% for employers with less than 100 employees and 85% for employers with more than 100 lives). If an insurance company does not meet the stated medical loss ratios (MLRs), it is required to rebate part of the premium received back to groups.


Below is a summarized analysis used to determine if an employer can keep the premium rebate in whole or in part:


  1. Plan Assets: The first step is to determine who owns the rebate. In accordance with the DOL’s guidance (Technical Release 2011-04), the portion of the rebate that is attributable to employee contributions is considered a plan asset. Therefore, if employees contributed to the cost of the group medical insurance plan, they are entitled a percentage of the rebate equal to the cost paid by the employees (i.e.- if employees paid 25% of the premiums, they would be entitled to 25% of the rebate). If the employer paid the entire cost of the premium, then no part of the rebate would be attributable to employee contributions permitting the employer to retain the full rebate.


  2. Allocating the Rebate: In deciding on an allocation method, companies can weigh the costs to the plan and the ultimate plan benefit as well as the competing interests of participants (or classes of participants) provided such method is reasonable, fair and objective. For example, if the company determines that the cost of distributing the rebate to former participants/employees equals the amount of the rebate, the DOL concludes that a company may allocate the proceeds only to current participants on a reasonable, fair and objective method. More directly, if distributing the payments to any participants is not cost effective (payments are of de minimis amounts or would give rise to tax consequences to participants or the plan), companies may consider utilizing the rebate for other permissible purposes including applying the rebate toward future participant premium payments or toward benefit enhancements. The key take-away is that companies: (1) must actually perform this allocation analysis and (2) should retain a written memorandum of the steps taken to allocate the rebate on a reasonable, fair and objective basis. Remember too that if employees have paid for their contributions on a pre-tax basis under a Section 125 plan, MLR rebates distributed back to employees as cash or a reduction in employee premiums are considered taxable in the year of distribution.


  3. When Must The Rebate Be Applied? Generally, ERISA plan assets must be held in a trust. However, if the premium rebate is allocated within 3 months of receipt, companies are permitted to rely on an exemption to the trust requirement. At this time, the DOL has not released any additional guidance that would permit a calendar year plan to retain the rebate until January 1 in order to ease the administrative burden of applying the rebate. Therefore, any premium rebates received should generally be allocated no later than early November 2014.


For further guidance on premium rebates or any of the PPACA or ACA requirements for employers, please contact our office. 

Exchanges Gear Up for 2015 Open Enrollment Period

July 08 - Posted at 2:01 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

As fall approaches, both state and federal Exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are preparing for potential opportunities and challenges they may face during the 2015 open enrollment period. The start date for the Exchange open enrollment has been delayed by a month, beginning on November 15, 2014, and will run through February 15, 2015.  Those desiring coverage beginning January 1, 2015 must enroll by December 15, 2014.


This delay will help to ease some enrollment pressure points, but does not address some of the challenges associated with a new automatic renewal policy. Specifically, the Obama Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) just announced a proposed rule to automatically renew existing Exchange health plans and premium subsidies for 2015 that individuals obtained in 2014.   


Automatic Renewal Concerns

A key feature of the 2015 open enrollment period is implementation of the automatic renewal system. Consumers who do not return to the website and change their plan or eligibility information will be automatically re-enrolled in their current  plan from the previous enrollment period for the 2015 plan year. The overall goal is to relieve pressure on the Exchange website while allowing for roughly 95% of consumers to re-enroll in health plans. However, automatic re-enrollment raises issues with the subsidy programs operated by the Exchanges. 


Beginning in 2015, the automatic re-enrollment function is likely to cause issues with consumers that have a different income levels than the previous year. With the automatic re-enrollment feature, most consumers may not report changes in their income, thus creating discrepancies in subsidy distributions. For instance, if someone experiences a decrease in income from the previous year, but the change is not reported due to the automatic re-enrollment, the consumer may not receive subsidies that he/she is eligible for, and vice versa if the consumer’s income increases. With roughly 87% of consumers enrolled in an Exchange plan receiving subsidy tax credits, resolving this issue will be key to the success of the upcoming enrollment period.  


In addition, reports continue to surface that the IRS has not been able to document the reported income for several million Americans who enrolled an Exchange plan for the 2014 plan year.  Therefore, hundreds of thousands of individuals may end up receiving subsidies for two different plan years, which they might not qualify for resulting in an unexpected tax burden, interest and penalties. 


Open Enrollment Period Delayed

Despite the issues plaguing the Exchanges, a recent change in the date of the 2015 open-enrollment period may help alleviate some of the future website and enrollment strains. This spring, the Obama Administration announced a month-long extension of the 2015 open enrollment period until February 15, 2015.   An initial delay was announced last fall that pushed back the start date from October 15 to November 15, 2014.  As a result of these changes, insurance companies will benefit from the delay, consumers will have more time to enroll in an Exchange plan, and websites hope to have fewer technical and administrative hiccups.  However, some have expressed concerns that the White House continues to make up the rules as they go along which violates normal regulatory protocols associated with a statutory-based initiatives like the ACA.  


While the Exchanges prepare for the new open enrollment season, some problems from the previous open enrollment likely remain unresolved. As widely reported earlier, both and its state-level Exchanges experienced a slew of technical issues and glitches in the 2014 open enrollment that hampered enrollment and significantly increased the wait time for enrollment activation for many.  


Verifying Income Levels

Other technical issues have hampered enrollment, such as the lack of oversight in filling out applications on the Exchange websites. The delay in’s verification requirement has led to chaos in the federal Exchange, as well as in states that use the federal Exchange, by implementing an “honor system” where individuals self-report their income without having to provide proof. As a result, HHS and the IRS must verify the incomes of a backlog of roughly 2 million individuals for federal subsidy eligibility.  


AAG  will continue tracking and reporting on key health care reform changes that will affect employers and individuals alike.

Obama Administration Extends Another ACA Compliance Deadline for Health Plans

March 07 - Posted at 3:51 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

It was announced on Wednesday, March 5th, by the Obama Administration  that it would allow some health plans that do not currently meet all Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements to continue offering non-compliant insurance for another two years. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the announcement, clarifying the new policy.


In November 2013, the Obama administration decided that some non-grandfathered health plans in the small group and individual markets would not be considered out of compliance if they failed to meet certain coverage provisions of the ACA. The transition relief was originally scheduled to last for one year, and was viewed as a response to the numerous health insurance policy cancellations that would result from the new requirements.


This recent announcement extends this relief for two additional years. CMS released the following:

“At the option of the States, health insurance issuers that have issued or will issue a policy under the transitional policy anytime in 2014 may renew such policies at any time through October 1, 2016, and affected individuals and small businesses may choose to re-enroll in such coverage through October 1, 2016.”


Who Will This  Impact?


This decision, which will likely prevent another wave of cancellations that were scheduled to begin November 1, 2014 and will impact some insurance offerings, but is unlikely to have a significant impact, since only about half of the states have opted to grant extensions to health plans within their jurisdictions. Further, the number of people currently on these non-compliant plans has been dropping, and is expected to continue to decline. Under the new policy, these plans (which typically offer fewer benefits at lower costs since they do not have to abide by the ACA’s minimum essential coverage) will still be available until plans expire in 2017.


Please note that it will be up to each individual state, as well as each individual insurance carrier, as to if they will decide to adopt this additional two year extension. Under the original one year transitional relief, even though it was allowed in the State of Florida, there are currently some health insurance carriers who have decided to not allow groups to renew their existing non-compliant medical plans.


We will continue to keep you up to date of new developments in ACA implementation as they arise. Please contact our office for additional information regarding your group’s medical policy and the impact of this recent change on it.

Reminder: Healthcare Marketplace Open Enrollment ends March 31, 2014

March 06 - Posted at 2:01 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

If you are interested in signing up for medical coverage through the Marketplace, please note that you only have until the end of the open enrollment period (March 31, 2014) to sign up for coverage effective either April 1, 2014 or May 1, 2014. The effective date of your coverage in the Marketplace depends on when your application is submitted and processed.


The only way you will be able to enroll in a Marketplace medical plan outside of the open enrollment period is if you qualify for a “special enrollment” due to a qualifying event. A qualifying event is a change in your life that would make you eligible to sign up for coverage outside of open enrollment such as a marriage, divorce, birth or adoption, moving to a new state, loss of employment or loss of coverage due to changes in employment, etc. With employer based medical coverage, you typically have 30 days from the date of the qualifying event to enroll or make changes to your coverage due to a qualifying event, but the Marketplace allows you 60 days from the qualifying event to make changes.


You can enroll on either Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) at any time during the year as there is no limited open enrollment periods for these programs. You only need to qualify for these programs to be eligible. You can either complete a Marketplace application to find out if you are eligible for either program or contact your state agencies for further information.


The tentative next open enrollment dates for the Marketplace are November 15, 2014 through January 15, 2015, however please note that these dates are subject to change. 

Obamacare Mandate for Medium Sized Employers Delayed Until 2016

February 11 - Posted at 2:48 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Obama administration is giving certain employers extra time before they must offer health insurance to almost all of their full time workers.

Under new rules announced Monday by Treasury Department officials, employers with 50 to 99 workers will be given until 2016 (two years longer than originally envisioned under the Affordable Care Act) before they risk a federal penalty for not complying.

Companies with 100+ workers or more are getting a different kind of one-year grace period. Instead of being required in 2015 to offer coverage to 95% of full time workers, these bigger employers can now avoid a fine by offering insurance to at least 70% of workers next year.

Administration officials had already announced in July 2013 that the employer requirements would be postponed until 2015 and this recent announcement has caught officials by surprise.

Obama administration officials said the Treasury Department decided to allow medium-size businesses more latitude because “they need a little more time to adjust to providing coverage”.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) states that anyone who works 30 hours or more is a full time employee, and it compels many employers to offer affordable insurance to those workers and their dependents. (Please note that Florida law currently defines a full time worker as anyone who works 25 or more hours). It also defines affordable as premiums of no more than 9.5% of an employee’s income, and employers must pay for the equivalent of 60% of the actuarial value of a worker’s coverage. Businesses that fail to do so will eventually face a fine of up to $2000 for each employee not offered coverage, though workers are not required to sign up for the benefits.

For questions on how these recent changes will affect your business or for help complying with the ever-changing ACA requirements, please contact our office.

Higher Limits for HSA Contributions in 2014

January 23 - Posted at 3:01 PM Tagged: , , , , , ,

The IRS has announced higher limits for 2014 contributions to health savings accounts (HSAs).The increased amounts reflect cost of living adjustments.


For 2014, the HSA contribution limit is $3300 for an individual and $6550 for a family. The HSA catch up contribution for those age 55 or older will remain at $1000. For an medical plan to be considered a qualified HDHP that can be paired with an HSA, it must have a minimum deductible of $1250 for an individual and $2500 for a family.


For those under age 65 (unless totally and permanently disabled) who use HSA funds for nonqualified medical expenses, they face a 20% penalty of 20% for nonqualified expenses. Funds spent for nonqualified purposes are also subject to income tax.


While the PPACA allows parents to add their adult children up to age 26 onto their medical plans, the IRS has not changed its definition of a dependent for HSAs. This means that an employee whose 24 year old child is covered on his HSA qualified high deductible health plan is not eligible to use HSA funds to pay for that child’s medical bills. If HSA account holders can’t claim a child as a dependent on their tax returns, then they can not spend HSA dollars on services provided to that child. According to the IRS definition, a dependent is a qualifying child (daughter, son, stepchild, sibling or stepsibling, or any descendent of these) who:


  • has the same principal place of residency as the covered employee for more than ½ of the taxable year
  • has not provided more than ½ of his or her own support during the taxable year
  • is not yet 19 (or, if a student, not yet 24) at the end of the tax year or is permanently disabled


Please contact our office with questions on high deductible health plans (HDHPs) as well as Health Saving Accounts (HSAs).

IRS Launches New PPACA-focused Website

September 16 - Posted at 2:01 PM Tagged: , , , , ,

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) launched a new website aimed at clarifying many of the tax provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The site ( aims to provide a tool to more clearly explain responsibilities and potential benefits to individuals, employers, and other organizations including insurers and others affects by the law’s tax changes.

Please contact our office for more information on how you can prepare for the many changes coming with Health Care Reform in 2014.

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