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HHS Launches Health Insurance Marketplace Educational Tools

July 08 - Posted at 2:01 PM Tagged: , , , , , , ,

The Obama administration recently kicked off the Health Insurance Marketplace education effort with a new, consumer focused website paired with a 24-hours a day consumer call center to help Americans prepare for open enrollment and sign up for private health insurance. The new tools will help Americans understand their choices and select the coverage that best suits their needs when open enrollment for the Exchange begins October 1, with coverage beginning January 1, 2014.


The website will continue to add functionality over the summer months so that, by October, consumers will be able to create accounts, complete an online application, and shop for qualified health plans. For Spanish speaking consumers,, will also be updated to match’s new consumer focus.


Key features of the website include integration of social media, sharable content, and engagement destinations for consumers to get more information. The site will also launch with web chat functionality to support additional consumer inquiries.


Between now and the start of open enrollment, the Marketplace call center will provide educational information and, beginning October 1, 2013, will assist consumers will application completion and plan selection. In addition to English and Spanish, the call center provides assistance in more than 150 languages through an interpretation and translation service. Customer service representatives are available for assistance via a toll-free number at 1-800-318-2596 and hearing impaired callers using TTY/TDD technology can dial 1-855-889-4325 for assistance.

Health Care Reform Employer Mandate Delayed Until 2015

July 03 - Posted at 2:30 PM Tagged: , , , , , , ,

The U.S. Administration announced on July 2, 2013,  that it will not require employers  to provide health insurance for full time workers under the Health Care Reform Employer Mandate (also known as Pay or Play) until 2015. This move will cause a delay in a key provision of Health Care Reform that was scheduled to go into effect in 2014.  The delay represents the administration’s response to widespread complaints about the reporting requirements for employers who are subject to the mandate.


The Affordable Care Act requires all employers with more than 50 full time workers to provide affordable health insurance or face a fine as much as $3000 per employee. The policy has raised concerns that companies would downsize their workforce or cut workers’ hours in order to dodge the new mandate.


The Obama Administration has announced that this provision was delayed so officials could simplify reporting requirements and give employers ample time to adjust their health care coverage.


The postponement does not affect other central provisions of the law, including the individual mandate or the establishment of the health insurance marketplaces, known as Exchanges, which are both still set to go into effect in January 2014.


Formal guidance is expected to be released this week. The Obama Administration has said that once the formal guidance is release they will work with employers to encourage them to voluntarily implement this information in 2014 to allow for a smoother transition into 2015.

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