The Winter Blues: How Less Sunlight Influences Workplace Productivity

November 18 - Posted at 8:17 AM Tagged: , ,

Each year, millions of people in the U.S. experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also called seasonal depression or the “winter blues.”

The disorder is characterized by short periods of sadness or people not feeling like their usual selves, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. People may start to feel “down” when the days get shorter in the fall and winter but then feel better in the spring.

“Seasonal affective disorder is a form of depression tied to a seasonal pattern,” said Hanne Hoffmann, assistant professor in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University (MSU). “It usually begins in the fall, but some people do experience it in the summer.”

Employers have become increasingly cognizant of mental health problems in the workplace, evidenced by more companies offering “mental health days” and enhanced counseling benefits. Hoffman said that organizations can support workers with SAD in more nuanced ways.

Who Is Vulnerable to Developing SAD?

Sabine Schmidt, director for psychology education with the University of Minnesota, said that the symptoms of SAD often mirror those of major depression. These signs and symptoms can include:

  • Feeling “down” most of the day.
  • Losing interest in work or activities.
  • Feeling hopeless.
  • Having trouble concentrating.
  • Experiencing decreased energy.
  • Oversleeping.
  • Craving carbohydrates.
  • Experiencing weight gain.

A 2020 article by Forbes indicated that SAD can negatively affect motivation and diminish workplace communication and productivity. Workers with the disorder are also more prone to injuries, accidents and absenteeism, which costs businesses $51 billion annually.

“These symptoms may not be immediately visible [in the workplace] but could go with behaviors such as decreased work productivity, difficulty being on time, slowness, irritability or social withdrawal,” Schmidt explained.

Hoffman said that women experience SAD four times more frequently than men do. She noted that it is unclear why women are more at risk for seasonal depression than men.

Studies have indicated that as much 20 percent of the population in northern states, including Alaska, experience some degree of seasonal depression in the winter because daylight hours are shorter. In southern states like Florida and Texas, seasonal depression is rare.

Why Workers Need Sunlight

Hoffman, who holds a doctorate in biochemistry and neurobiology, runs a lab at MSU that studies how light regulates our physiology, affects our overall well-being and mood, and induces changes in brain function.

“Sunlight boosts your mood and energy,” she said. “What really happens [with SAD] is that our mood follows light quality and light intensity.”

Many employees who work in an office arrive to work when it is still dark outside. When they leave the office, dusk approaches. Hoffman said that this lack of sunlight can increase their risk of developing seasonal depression.

She also noted that natural light promotes an increased sense of well-being. In the fall, many workers do not get enough natural light to maintain the brain signals for feeling happy, so they start to feel sad.

“It’s important that the workers see bright light in the morning,” she explained.

Tips for Employers to Prevent Seasonal Depression

Most workplaces have indoor lighting that is relatively dim. Hoffman suggested that employers improve their indoor lighting, especially in the late fall, to prevent or reduce the effects of seasonal depression among their employees.

She recommended that employees dealing with SAD purchase a light therapy lamp, which emits a brighter light than traditional bulbs, to keep at their desk. She also implored companies to consider allowing more flexible work hours during the winter months.

“The workplace can allow people to start a little later so they see the morning light,” Hoffman said. “Giving them the flexibility to see this morning light will help them prevent seasonal depression.”

Schmidt said that companies should educate themselves as well as their employees about the winter blues.

“For instance, many people wrongly believe that SAD is a minor form of depression or caused by a bad attitude,” Schmidt said. “However, people don’t cause SAD and cannot simply shake it off.”

She also recommended that companies:

  • Distribute SAD-related information based on scientific evidence.
  • Advise employees who are open about their symptoms to consult a mental health professional.
  • Encourage the use of paid time off to treat SAD or to engage in physical activity, because inactivity can exacerbate symptoms.

Schmidt implored workers to address any signs of winter blues before they become full-blown SAD or major depressive disorder. Once SAD reaches the levels of major depressive disorder, it can cause serious mood changes that affect thoughts and actions.

“It can be quite debilitating and lead to other serious problems such inability to work, substance abuse, physical health deterioration and even suicide,” she said. “Those with known SAD should consult a mental health professional about when to start treatment to help minimize symptoms.”

2023 Health FSA Contribution Cap Rises to $3,050

October 19 - Posted at 1:12 PM Tagged: , , , , , ,

Employees can put an extra $200 into their health care flexible spending accounts (health FSAs) next year, the IRS announced on Oct. 18, as the annual contribution limit rises to $3,050, up from $2,850 in 2022. The increase is double the $100 rise from 2021 to 2022 and reflects recent inflation. 

If the employer’s plan permits the carryover of unused health FSA amounts, the maximum carryover amount rises to $610, up from $570. Employers may set lower limits for their workers.

The limit also applies to limited-purpose FSAs that are restricted to dental and vision care services, which can be used in tandem with health savings accounts (HSAs).

The IRS released 2023 HSA contribution limits in April, giving employers and HSA administrators plenty of time to adjust their systems for the new year. The individual HSA contribution limit will be $3,850 (up from $3,650) and the family contribution limit will be $7,750 (up from $7,300).


Health or dependent care FSA funds that are not spent by the employee within the plan year can include a two-and-a-half-month grace period to spend down remaining FSA funds, if employees are enrolled in FSAs that have adopted the grace period option.

Health FSAs have an additional option of allowing participants to carry over unused funds at the end of the plan year, up to an inflation-adjusted limit set by the IRS, and still contribute up to the maximum in the next plan year. Health FSA plans can elect either the carryover or grace period option but not both.

Dependent Care FSAs

A dependent care FSA (DC-FSA) is a pretax benefit account used to pay for dependent care services such as day care, preschool, summer camps and non-employer-sponsored before or after school programs. Funds may be used for expenses relating to children under the age of 13 or incapable of self-care who live with the account holder more than half the year. 

These plans may also be referred to as dependent care assistance plans (DCAPs) or dependent care reimbursement accounts (DCRAs).

In general, an FSA carryover only applies to health FSAs, although COVID-19 legislation permitted a carryover of unused balances for DC-FSAs into the next plan year for plan years 2020 and 2021 only.

The dependent care FSA maximum annual contribution limit is not indexed and did not change for 2022 or for 2023. It remains $5,000 per household for single taxpayers and married couples filing jointly, or $2,500 for married people filing separately. Married couples have a combined $5,000 limit, even if each has access to a separate DC-FSA through his or her employer.

Maximum contributions to a DC-FSA may not exceed these earned income limits:

  • For single account holders, the earned income limit is their salary excluding contributions to their DC-FSA.
  • For married account holders, the earned income limit is the lesser of their salary excluding contributions to their DC-FSA or their spouse’s salary.

Employers can also choose to contribute to employees’ DC-FSAs. However, unlike with a health FSA, the combined employer and employee contributions to a DC-FSA cannot exceed the IRS limits noted above.

A separate tax code child and dependent care tax credit cannot be claimed for expenses paid through a DC-FSA, as “double dipping” is not permitted.


Employers May Continue to Use Current I-9 Form and Review Employment Documents Remotely … For Now

October 17 - Posted at 10:00 AM Tagged: , , , , , ,

Due to ongoing COVID-19 concerns, employers will have the flexibility to remotely review employment documents for I-9 purposes in some circumstances until July 2023 — and they should keep using the current Form I-9 even though it was set to expire at the end of the month, according to two important announcements this week from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Here’s what you should know as we wait for additional DHS guidelines and prepare for anticipated changes.

Keep Using the Current Form I-9 — But Stay Tuned for Further Guidance

DHS notified employers that they should continue to use the current I-9 — which has an expiration date of October 31, 2022 — until further notice. So, stay tuned for additional information, as we will provide an update when DHS publishes its new Form I-9, associated instructions, and effective date. 

Timely compliance will be critical, since failing to use the current version of Form I-9 can result in administrative penalties. You should be prepared to take immediate action and discard the current version when the new one goes into effect.

Relaxed Document Inspection Rules Remain in Play in Limited Circumstances

Due to continued safety precautions related to COVID-19, DHS announced that it will extend its updated I-9 flexibilities until July 31, 2023. Since early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, USCIS has allowed employers to remotely review — by Zoom, video chat, FaceTime, fax, or other electronic means — the identity and work-authorization documents that are necessary to complete employees’ I-9 forms during the hiring and reverification process. These “relaxed” rules have applied in the following situations:

  • When workplaces are temporarily shut down due to the pandemic; or
  • When new hires and employees who need to update temporary work authorizations are subject to quarantine or “no travel” orders. 

Under these rules, employers must eventually inspect the relevant documents in person, but only if an employee stops working remotely and begins to report to the employer’s physical location on a regular, consistent, or predictable basis.

A Sign of Changes to Come?

This extension of the relaxed rules aligns with recent DHS efforts to kickstart the rulemaking process for a permanent protocol on remote document review. The latest extension of the relaxed document review rules is seen by some as more proof that DHS is dedicated to creating a permanent remote document examination rule. If implemented, the rule would allow employers to hire workers in far-flung locations, inspect their documents remotely, and eliminate the current requirement of in-person review by a company employee or authorized representative.

IRS Final Rule Regarding Affordability of Employer Coverage for Family Members

October 13 - Posted at 10:51 AM Tagged: , , , ,

On October 11, 2022, the IRS released a final rule that changes the way health insurance affordability is determined for members of an employee’s family, beginning with Plan Year (PY) 2023 coverage. Beginning in 2023, if a employee has an offer of employer-sponsored coverage that extends to the employee’s family members, the affordability of that offer of coverage for the family members will be based on the family premium amount, not the amount the employee must pay for self-only coverage, when purchasing coverage in the marketplace. 



To view the final rule, visit:

Oct. 15th Deadline Nears for Medicare Part D Coverage Notices

September 15 - Posted at 9:00 AM Tagged: , , , ,

Prior to each year’s Medicare Part D annual enrollment period, plan sponsors that offer prescription drug coverage must provide notices of creditable or noncreditable coverage to Medicare-eligible individuals.

The required notices may be provided in annual enrollment materials, separate mailings or electronically. Whether plan sponsors use the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) model notices or other notices that meet prescribed standards, they must provide the required disclosures no later than Oct. 15, 2022.

Group health plan sponsors that provide prescription drug coverage to Medicare Part D-eligible individuals must also disclose annually to the CMS (within 60 days following their plan renewal) whether the coverage is creditable or noncreditable. The disclosure obligation applies to all plan sponsors that provide prescription drug coverage, even those that do not offer prescription drug coverage to retirees.


The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 requires group health plan sponsors that provide prescription drug coverage to disclose annually to individuals eligible for Medicare Part D whether the plan’s coverage is “creditable” or “noncreditable.” Prescription drug coverage is creditable when it is at least actuarially equivalent to Medicare’s standard Part D coverage and noncreditable when it does not provide, on average, as much coverage as Medicare’s standard Part D plan. The CMS has provided a Creditable Coverage Simplified Determination method that plan sponsors can use to determine if a plan provides creditable coverage.

Disclosure of whether their prescription drug coverage is creditable allows individuals to make informed decisions about whether to remain in their current prescription drug plan or enroll in Medicare Part D during the Part D annual enrollment period. Individuals who do not enroll in Medicare Part D during their initial enrollment period (IEP), and who subsequently go at least 63 consecutive days without creditable coverage (e.g., they dropped their creditable coverage or have non-creditable coverage) generally will pay higher premiums if they enroll in a Medicare drug plan at a later date.

Who Gets the Notices?

Notices must be provided to all Part D eligible individuals who are covered under, or eligible for, the employer’s prescription drug plan—regardless of whether the coverage is primary or secondary to Medicare Part D. “Part D eligible individuals” are generally age 65 and older or under age 65 and disabled, and include active employees and their dependents, COBRA participants and their dependents, and retirees and their dependents.

Because the notices advise plan participants whether their prescription drug coverage is creditable or noncreditable, no notice is required when prescription drug coverage is not offered.

Also, employers that provide prescription drug coverage through a Medicare Part D Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) are not required to provide the creditable coverage notice to individuals who are eligible for the EGWP.

Notice Requirements

The Medicare Part D annual enrollment period runs from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. Each year, before the enrollment period begins (i.e., by Oct. 14), plan sponsors must notify Part D eligible individuals whether their prescription drug coverage is creditable or non-creditable. The Oct. 14 deadline applies to insured and self-funded plans, regardless of plan size, employer size or grandfathered status

Part D eligible individuals must be given notices of the creditable or non-creditable status of their prescription drug coverage:

  • Before an individual’s IEP for Part D.
  • Before the effective date of coverage for any Medicare-eligible individual who joins an employer plan.
  • Whenever prescription drug coverage ends or creditable coverage status changes.
  • Upon the individual’s request.

According to CMS, the requirement to provide the notice prior to an individual’s IEP will also be satisfied as long as the notice is provided to all plan participants each year before the beginning of the Medicare Part D annual enrollment period.

Model notices that can be used to satisfy creditable/non-creditable coverage disclosure requirements are available in both English and Spanish on the CMS website. Plan sponsors that choose not to use the model disclosure notices must provide notices that meet prescribed content standards.

Notices of creditable/non-creditable coverage may be included in annual enrollment materials, sent in separate mailings or delivered electronically. Plan sponsors may provide electronic notice to plan participants who have regular work-related computer access to the sponsor’s electronic information system. However, plan sponsors that use this disclosure method must inform participants that they are responsible for providing notices to any Medicare-eligible dependents covered under the group health plan.

Electronic notice may also be provided to employees who do not have regular work-related computer access to the plan sponsor’s electronic information system and to retirees or COBRA qualified beneficiaries, but only with a valid email address and their prior consent. Before individuals can effectively consent, they must be informed of the right to receive a paper copy, how to withdraw consent, how to update address information, and any hardware/software requirements to access and save the disclosure. In addition to emailing the notice to the individual, the sponsor must also post the notice (if not personalized) on its website.

In Closing

Plan sponsors that offer prescription drug coverage will have to determine whether their drug plan’s coverage satisfies CMS’s creditable coverage standard and provide appropriate creditable/noncreditable coverage disclosures to Medicare-eligible individuals no later than Oct. 15, 2022.

FL Minimum Wage Increase in September 2022

September 07 - Posted at 9:00 AM Tagged: ,
Reminder- Florida’s minimum wage will increase to $11.00 per hour on September 30, 2022. The direct wage for tipped employees will also increase to $7.98 per hour.

Be sure to update your minimum wage poster(s) before September 30, 2022. Please let us know if you need copy of the updated poster(s).


How Do You Engage and Retain Gen X?

August 24 - Posted at 8:47 AM Tagged: , , ,

As the economy remains resilient, companies are in a battle not only to hire capable talent, but also to retain the workers that are assets to the organization.  Much has been written about the impact of the Baby Boomers and Millennials in the workplace. However, what about the smaller Generation X cohort that is sometimes the forgotten middle child of the generations? While they may be outnumbered by the Millennials and Boomers, their influence has shaped US companies during years of technological advancement and corporate change. What are the characteristics of Gen X, and what do they want from their employer?

The Gen X group born between 1965-1980 was often referred to as latchkey kids. This term was used because a number of them came home alone after school because both parents worked. This fostered a sense of self discipline and autonomy. These individuals had to self-manage their own activities and make decisions based on judgment in the absence of an adult. Gen X learned not to depend on others for constant direction; they created their own outcomes.

Gen Xers childhood predated the internet, personal home computers, and cell phones. They had to learn evolving technology as well as embrace and master it to be successful in corporate America. From the generation that used the first cordless home phone, to commanding the world of work on a smartphone, their actions illustrate the ability to adapt, pivot, and embrace change.

This cohort has experienced two Gulf Wars, dot com bust, 9/11 tragedy, The Great Recession, and COVID. All of these events came with a great loss of jobs and retraction of the economy. Gen Xers have managed to navigate some of the most unprecedented events in history that impacted careers and livelihoods. Their resourcefulness helped them thrive and develop the expertise needed to stay relevant in the workforce in the midst of those events.

What Does Generation X Want from Their Employer?

Growth and Development
Invest in Gen X workers continued growth and development.  Whether it be formal classroom leadership training, conferences and seminars, or online courses, help them enhance their skill set. They already have a wealth of business acumen, so modernizing their tool kit benefits them and improves results for the organization. Most of Gen X has been working for decades, and any job can become repetitive and monotonous if skill sets become stagnant. Create a culture of learning and design training programs that address the needs of mid-career professionals.

New Projects & Meaningful Work
Invite them to lead new company projects and initiatives. In addition, consider offering Gen Xers a different role outside of their comfort zone that teaches them a new talent. They likely have a distinguished track record of tackling new assignments, so keep them energized with new leadership responsibilities. Evaluate your process for promotions. Is it based on performance data?  Many in this group want to achieve the next level of success within a company. Engage in dialogue and determine what is important to them in their career trajectory.

Some Gen Xers want enhanced flexibility to care for children, parents, or pursue outside interests.  Flexibility desires may reach beyond the ability to work from home periodically. Moreover, some may want to take on a part time role or become an independent contractor supporting their current team. Some workers may simply want more vacation days. One size does not fit all when it comes to flexibility, and people have different motivators – ask them.

Mentor Others
Every organization is engaged in succession planning as the life line for business continuity. Gen X is an irreplaceable asset of industry knowledge and expertise. Many want to mentor, teach, and help the next generation succeed in their careers. They have a command of workplace dynamics and want to impart their skills and coach new leaders to excel in the organization.

The Generation X Influence
As pivotal members of corporate work teams, Gen X is 53 million strong in the US labor force. This group is often described as autonomous but driven to make a difference and have an impact. By using different methods to engage Gen X, we can align to their values and retain them for decades.

This week the IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2022-34, which significantly decreases the affordability threshold for ACA employer mandate purposes to 9.12% for plan years beginning in 2023. The new 9.12% level marks by far the lowest affordability percentage to date, as well as the first time the threshold has dropped below the initial 9.5% standard set by the ACA.

The affordability percentage decrease is based on the ACA’s index inflation metric, which is the rate of premium growth for the preceding year over the rate of CPI growth for the preceding year. The affordability percentages apply for plan years beginning in the listed year. A calendar plan year will therefore have the 9.12% affordability threshold for the plan year beginning January 1, 2023.

The ACA employer mandate rules apply to employers that are “Applicable Large Employers,” or “ALEs.” In general, an employer is an ALE if it (along with any members in its controlled group) employed an average of at least 50 full-time employees, including full-time equivalent employees, on business days during the preceding calendar year.

There are two potential ACA employer mandate penalties that can impact ALEs:

a) IRC §4980H(a)—The “A Penalty”

The first is the §4980H(a) penalty—frequently referred to as the “A Penalty” or the “Sledge Hammer Penalty.” This penalty applies where the ALE fails to offer minimum essential coverage to at least 95% of its full-time employees in any given calendar month.

The 2022 A Penalty is $229.17/month ($2,750 annualized) multiplied by all full-time employees (reduced by the first 30). It is triggered by at least one full-time employee who was not offered minimum essential coverage enrolling in subsidized coverage on the Exchange. Note: The IRS has not yet released the 2023 A Penalty increase.

The “A Penalty” liability is focused on whether the employer offered a major medical plan to a sufficient percentage of full-time employees—not whether that offer was affordable (or provided minimum value).

b) IRC §4980H(b)—The “B Penalty”

The second is the §4980H(b) penalty—frequently referred to as the “B Penalty or the “Tack Hammer Penalty.” This penalty applies where the ALE is not subject to the A Penalty (i.e., the ALE offers coverage to at least 95% of full-time employees).

The B Penalty applies for each full-time employee who was:

  1. not offered minimum essential coverage,
  2. offered unaffordable coverage, or
  3. offered coverage that did not provide minimum value.

Only those full-time employees who enroll in subsidized coverage on the Exchange will trigger the B Penalty. Unlike the A Penalty, the B Penalty is not multiplied by all full-time employees.

In other words, an ALE who offers minimum essential coverage to a full-time employee will be subject to the B Penalty if:

  1. the coverage does not provide minimum value or is not affordable (more below); and
  2. the full-time employee declines the offer of coverage and instead enrolls in subsidized coverage on the Exchange.

The 2022 B Penalty is $343.33/month ($4,120 annualized) per full-time employee receiving subsidized coverage on the Exchange.  Note: The IRS has not yet released the 2023 B Penalty increase.

New Mental Health Hotline

July 18 - Posted at 5:52 PM
On July 16, 2022, the first nationwide three-digit mental health crisis hotline went live. This hotline is designed to be easy to remember and by dialing 988, an individual in crisis will be connected to trained mental health counselors.

This is a free service. The program will be funded by the federal government which has provided over $280 million, not only for the hotline but to help states create systems that will do much more, including mobile mental health crisis teams that can be sent to people’s homes and emergency mental health centers. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the lead federal agency, in partnership with the Federal Communications Commission and the Department of Veterans Affairs that will be overseeing this new initiative.

The public should be made aware that when this new hotline does go live, it will not necessarily reach everyone across the country at the same time. It will take perhaps a few years to reach the entire country. The hotline is designed not only for individuals in crisis with thoughts of suicide but for all people in emotional distress.

The new 988 system will build upon National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, which is an existing network of over 200 crisis centers nationwide staffed by counselors who answer millions of calls each year. Calls to the lifeline, 1-800-273-8255, will still go through even with 988 in place.

I-9 Deadline Approaching: Employers Have Until July 31 to Update Critical Immigration Forms

July 13 - Posted at 1:01 PM Tagged: , , , , , ,

If you accepted expired forms of identification from new employees who completed their I-9 forms during the pandemic, your deadline for updating them with current proofs of identification is fast approaching. The Department of Homeland Security recently announced that it was winding down its temporary policy that had allowed for expired List B (proof of identification) documents to be used when completing I-9s because of COVID-related difficulties in renewing such I.D. documents. You have until July 31 to update your I-9 forms to get into compliance with the law. What do you need to know about this fast-approaching deadline?

How We Ended Up Where We Are

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Homeland Security issued a number of temporary policies easing Form I-9 compliance. One of them was the COVID-19 Temporary Policy for List B Identity Documents

Under this policy, employers were allowed to accept expired List B (proof of identification) documents. Many state and local agencies were under lockdown, so it was difficult – if not impossible – for individuals to renew expired documents such as drivers’ licenses, school I.D. cards, Native American tribal documents, and others. 

What’s Changed?

The Department rescinded this temporary policy on May 1 and began again to require employers to accept only unexpired List B documents. USICS recently announced that employers who accepted expired List B documents prior to May 1, 2022, will have until July 31,2022 to update their Forms I-9. 

What Should You Do?

Specifically, for employees hired between May 1, 2020 and April 30, 2022 who presented an expired List B document, you need to have them to present to you:

  • the renewed List B document;
  • a different List B document; or
  • a document from List A. 

Important Notes

You do not need to update documents for affected employees who are no longer employed.

When updating List B documentation, you should enter the document’s: 

  • title;
  • issuing authority;
  • number;
  • and expiration date in the “Additional Information” field of Section 2.

Your representative should initial and date the change.

If the List B document was auto-extended by the issuing authority, making it unexpired when it was presented, no update is needed. For example, many states automatically extended the expiration date of certain drivers’ licenses due to COVID. Those documents would not need updating. 

Remote I-9 Verification Remains in Place – For Now

This move by DHS does not affect its decision to extend its remote I-9 verification flexibility policy, which has been extended once again to October 31, 2022.

Under that temporary policy, if employees hired on or after April 1, 2021, work exclusively in a remote setting due to COVID-19-related precautions, they are temporarily exempt from the I-9’s physical inspection requirements until they undertake non-remote employment on a regular, consistent, or predictable basis, or the extension of the flexibilities related to such requirements is terminated by DHS, whichever is earlier. 


With these constantly evolving rules, employers who have adjusted their document inspection protocols during the pandemic may be at a higher risk for expensive monetary fines, potentially running in the thousands of dollars. Now is a good time to review your I-9 files and process to ensure continued compliance.

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