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Employers must provide a creditable or non-creditable coverage notice at least once a year to all Medicare eligible individuals who are covered under, or who apply for, the group’s prescription drug plan. This notice must be provided to both active employees and retirees who are eligible for Medicare Part D.
The Medicare Modernization Act mandates that all employers offering prescription drug coverage disclose to all Medicare eligible individuals with prescription drug coverage under the plan whether the coverage is “creditable”. This information is essential to the Medicare eligible’s decision whether to enroll in a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan.
Employers are required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide creditable coverage at least once a year and at the following times:
This notice does not need to be a separate mailing and can be included with other plan information materials either printed or electronic. Employers are required to provide this notice and to provide CMS with your plan’s creditable or non-creditable coverage status annually via online form within 60 days of the beginning of each plan year.
Please contact our office for assistance in determining if your prescription drug plan is considered creditable or non-creditable coverage or if you need a copy of the model notice for employees.
Effective at you first open enrollment following 9/23/12, all groups will be required to distribute to all employees and their beneficiaries a copy of the Summary of Benefits & Coverage for all available health care plans. You will also be required to distribute the SBC to all new hires. Failure to distribute the SBC to employees can result in a $1000 fine per offense. Are you prepared to implement this requirement into your company?
Myra L. Thompson, RHU, REBC, President of Administrators Advisory Group, Inc in DeLand, FL has earned the Group Benefits Associate (GBA) professional designation from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Candidates for the designation must complete four courses and pass a proctored exam. This designation helps professionals develop strategic skills in health care, welfare benefits, and health economics. Congratulations Myra on a job well done!
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