Last Minute Ruling Preliminarily Halts Overtime Rules

November 23 - Posted at 2:08 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , , ,

Rules Will Not Take Effect On December 1; Future Thereafter Uncertain

In a dramatic last-minute development, a federal judge in Texas on Tuesday (11/22/16) blocked the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) overtime rule from taking effect on December 1. The judge issued a preliminary injunction preventing the rules from being implemented on a nationwide basis.

The fate of the overtime rules is now uncertain. The Trump administration will take over the DOL in less than two months’ time, and the incoming administration has repeatedly indicated that it wants to eliminate unnecessary regulations hampering the business community. Unless an appeals court reverses course in the next several weeks and breathes new life into the rules, it is quite possible that the rules will be further delayed, completely overhauled, or altogether scrapped once President Trump takes office.

Background: Proposed Rules Would Have Brought Massive Changes And Upheaval

On May 18, 2016, the DOL unveiled a package of revised regulations altering the compensation requirements relating to which employees may be treated as exempt from the federal Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA’s) overtime and minimum-wage requirements under the so-called “white collar” exemptions. The two changes with the broadest impact: the minimum salary threshold to characterize an employee as non-exempt would increase from $455 to $913 per week, which annualizes to $47,476 (up from $23,660 per year); and this amount would be “updated” every three years (meaning that it will likely increase with each update) with the first update scheduled for January 1, 2020.

Once announced, the DOL informed employers that the new rules would take effect on December 1, 2016. By this date, employers would have been forced to make sometimes difficult decisions on how to compensate the estimated 4.2 million workers who are currently classified as exempt under the so-called “white collar” exemptions but earn less than the new threshold.

Almost immediately, an outcry sprung from the business community, especially those advocating on behalf of small businesses. By doubling the existing salary threshold, the DOL’s actions would likely reduce the proportion of exempt workers sharply while increasing the compensation of many who will remain exempt, rather than engaging in the fundamentally definition process called for under the FLSA. As many pointed out, manipulating exemption requirements to “give employees a raise” has never been an authorized or legitimate pursuit.

Moreover, publishing what amounts to an automatic “update” to the minimum salary threshold is something that has never before happened in the more-than-75-year history of the FLSA exemptions. This departs from the prior DOL practice of engaging in what should instead ultimately be a qualitative evaluation that would take into account a variety of considerations.

Businesses And States Turn To Court For Relief

In response to these announced changes, a group of 21 states and several business associations filed lawsuits in the Eastern District of Texas seeking a court order that would block the rules from going into effect. The cases were all consolidated into one action, to be heard by District Court Judge Amos Mazzant.

The challengers argued that the DOL did not properly carry out its responsibility under the FLSA to define these exemptions, failing to take into account the duties of white-collar workers as the best indicator for whether threshold increases were needed. The plaintiffs also argued that the automatic indexing mechanism which would ratchet up the salary levels every three years was improper because it would ignore current economic conditions or the effect on public and private resources.

Court Blocks Overtime Rules

On November 22, 2016, District Court Judge Mazzant agreed with the state challengers and blocked final implementation of the rule mere days before the December 1 effective date. In his ruling, he stated that it was improper for the DOL to adopt a salary test that categorically excludes a substantial number of workers who meet the exemptions’ duties-related requirements. Although he acknowledged that Congress delegated definitional power to the agency with respect to these exemptions, he concluded that the DOL overstepped its authority.

He concluded that the rule change equated to a de facto “salary-only test,” because it would have had the effect of causing some 4.2 million workers who are today classified as exempt to become non-exempt, despite the fact they would have exactly the same job duties on December 1. He said that Congress never authorized the DOL to classify white collar workers based on salary alone, and the DOL ignored Congress’s intent by attempting to raise the minimum salary as it did. “If Congress intended the salary requirement to supplant the duties test,” he said, “then Congress, and not the DOL, should make that change.”

The judge recognized that, for 75 years, the salary levels that served as part of the DOL’s overtime exemption test acted as a floor and not a ceiling. He said during last week’s oral argument the new rule’s proposed salary jump was “a much more drastic change.” During that argument, in fact, he pointed out that the proposed substantial increase in the salary threshold could lead to inconsistent treatment of workers who each fulfill white collar duties but are paid differently. An example is a convenience store manager who clearly acts as an executive and who is paid a salary annualizing to only $47,000 a year, for example, would be treated differently than a similarly situated manager who is paid a salary equating to $47,500 a year.


How Does Trump’s Election Impact The Future Of The Rules?

President Trump will be inaugurated on January 20, 2017 – less than two months from today. It is possible that Judge Mazzant might be swayed by DOL arguments in the coming weeks, or that an appeals court could step into reverse Judge Mazzant’s ruling before President Trump takes office. As the judge said in his opinion, it could be that this ruling “only delay[s] the regulation’s implementation.”

Assuming that the injunction survives the remainder of President Obama’s term, it is difficult to predict what President Trump will do with the rules once in the White House. Perhaps President Trump will direct his DOL to commence a new rulemaking process, subject to notice and comment, with the goals of setting lower thresholds for the salary requirement and eliminating the three-year update, among other changes. How long and what form such a process would take, and what could or would be done in the meantime, are currently unpredictable.

At the same time, a series of measures have been introduced in Congress hoping to prevent or stall the rules changes. While one of the proposed legislative changes would scrap the increases altogether, another proposed change would delay implementation for a period of time to provide a longer period of preparation. Still, another would push the date that the full increase would take effect to 2019, introducing more forgiving gradual increases on an annual basis for the next three years.

The fate of these measures is similarly uncertain at present. Even if any of these measures were fast-tracked, approved by Congress, and signed by President Obama before he leaves office, it is unclear whether they would ever take effect given the nature of the current litigation.

What Should Employers Do Now?

Some employers might find themselves in a difficult spot. If you have already made alterations to your compensation plans or to your employees’ exemption status, it might be unpopular to reverse course now. Although you may have the legal right to revert to the status quo depending on your circumstances, you might consider waiting until a final decision is reached in court, Congress, and the White House before doing anything further.

If you had been waiting until December 1 to implement the changes, you have the option of putting any alterations on ice and awaiting a final determination on the fate of the rules. If you do so, you might consider communicating to your workforce that the expected changes are going to be delayed given today’s court ruling, and let them know that you will continue to monitor the situation and make adjustments when and if appropriate.

We will track these developments and provide updates as issued.

Early Holiday Gift from the IRS – Due Date Extension for Furnishing Forms 1095 and Related Relief

November 21 - Posted at 1:29 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , ,

In IRS Notice 2016-70, the IRS announced a 30-day automatic extension for the furnishing of 2016 IRS Forms 1095-B (Health Coverage) and 1095-C (Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage), from January 31, 2017 to March 2, 2017.  This extension was made in response to requests by employers, insurers, and other providers of health insurance coverage that additional time be provided to gather and analyze the information required to complete the Forms.  Notwithstanding the extension, the IRS encourages employers and other coverage providers to furnish the Forms as soon as possible.

Notice 2016-70 does not extend the due date for employers, insurers, and other providers of minimum essential coverage to file 2016 Forms 1094-B, 1095-B, 1094-C and 1095-C with the IRS.  The filing due date for these forms remains February 28, 2017 (March 31, 2017, if filing electronically), unless the due dates are extended pursuant to other available relief.

The IRS also indicates that, while failure to furnish and file the Forms on a timely basis may subject employers and other coverage providers to penalties, such entities should still attempt to furnish and file even after the applicable due date as the IRS will take such action into consideration when determining penalties.

Additionally, guidance provides that good faith reporting standards will apply for 2016 reporting. This means that reporting entities will not be subject to reporting penalties for incorrect or incomplete information if they can show that they have made good faith efforts to comply with the 2016 Form 1094 and 1095 information-reporting requirements. This relief applies to missing and incorrect taxpayer identification numbers and dates of birth, and other required return information. However, no relief is provided where there has not been a good faith effort to comply with the reporting requirements or where there has been a failure to file an information return or furnish a statement by the applicable due date (as extended).

Finally, an individual taxpayer who files his or her tax return before receiving a 2016 Form 1095-B or 1095-C, as applicable, may rely on other information received from his or her employer or coverage provider for purposes of filing his or her return. Thus, if employers take advantage of the extension in Notice 2016-70 and receive employee requests for 2016 Forms 1095-C before the extended due date, they should refer their employees to the guidance in Notice 2016-70.

New  Version of I-9 Form Released

November 18 - Posted at 8:43 PM Tagged: , , ,

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has released an updated version of the Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. The new Form I-9, dated 11/14/2016N, will become mandatory on Jan. 22, 2017, replacing the version dated 03/08/2013 N, which may continue to be used until Jan. 21, 2017.  

The new Form I-9, which must be used for all newly hired employees and those who require the re-verification of their U.S. employment eligibility, contains a number of new features, including but not limited to:

1) Clarification of the “other names used” field in Section to request only “other last names used” and the numbering of immigration status categories in Section 1;

2) Additional details regarding the preparer/translator category, including the ability to select multiple preparers/translators;

3) A designated area to enter additional information that previously needed to be entered as a margin note, such as the auto-extension of an individual’s work-authorized status, where applicable;

4) A separate page (Page 3) for Section 3 of the Form I-9;

5) Additional prompts and electronic enhancements, such as drop-down lists and calendars, to facilitate the proper entry of required information.

ACA’s 2016 Transitional Reinsurance Fee Submissions Must Be Filed Soon

October 28 - Posted at 6:57 PM Tagged: , , , ,

The Affordable Care Act created a three-year transitional reinsurance program that reimburses health insurers in the individual market (both inside and outside the Marketplace/Exchanges) for losses they sustain when they enroll individuals who are higher-cost claimants. Health insurers and group health plans must contribute to this program by paying fees over a three-year period. 2016 is the third and final year for which these fees will be assessed. 

The submission required for this final year’s fees must be filed by November 15, 2016, using the same online process used for the two prior years (i.e., via 

The fees are assessed on plans that provide major medical coverage. The fees are paid on a per-person basis for each “covered life” under the plan, including dependents. For 2016, the fees are $27 per covered life, with payments due in 2017. 

The fees are determined based on the plan’s enrollment count during the first nine calendar months of the year, regardless of the plan’s actual plan year. Enrollment counts for the first nine months of 2016 must be submitted by November 15, 2016. The form that contributing entities are required to submit by this deadline must include the date(s) in 2017 that the payments will be made as one or two automatic debits from the entity’s designated bank account. 

Plans that are self-insured and self-administered are not required to pay the fees for 2016. To be regarded as self-administered, self-insured plans must retain responsibility for claims processing, claims adjudication (including internal appeals) and enrollment. Exceptions permit a self-insured group health plan to use a third-party administrator (TPA) in limited circumstances, but still avoid paying the fee. Plan sponsors eligible for the self-administered exemption do not need to take any action to claim it. In other words, no filing or submission is required for 2016 fees. 

The official online form that needs to be completed is called the 2016 ACA Transitional Reinsurance Program Annual Enrollment and Contributions Submission Form (the 2016 Form). It became available online on October 3, 2016. CMS has posted web-based materials to assist plan sponsors in completing the 2016 Form. Plan sponsors will have to count enrollment in the plan for the first nine months of 2016, using any permissible counting method. As was the case for 2015, if the plan sponsor is reporting for itself, there is no need to upload supporting documentation with the 2016 Form. Plan sponsors that relied upon a third-party administrator (TPA) to do the submission for 2015 and intend to do the same this year should contact their TPA immediately to make sure the TPA is prepared to handle this for 2016.

Plan sponsors that may be newly eligible for the exemption for self-insured, self-administered plans due to a change in their operations should work with legal counsel to determine if the exemption is applicable. Other plan sponsors should get ready to complete the submission process before the November 15, 2016 deadline. The transitional reinsurance fee cannot be extended by the federal government unless authorized by Congress. 


- Posted at 6:50 PM Tagged: , , , ,

The IRS has released final 1094 C and 1095 C forms for 2016 and has posted final instructions as well. The changes from the 2015 forms were minor. However, the instructions for completing the 1094 C and 1095 C forms for 2016 have changed significantly. The changes primarily were more extensive explanations on how to complete the forms.

The final forms and instruction can be found at:

As of now, a full cycle of reporting and penalty determinations has not yet been seen. The due dates for providing the forms and submitting them to the IRS were delayed for the 2015 forms. Employers may not see penalty determinations from the IRS for these forms.

The reporting requirements will affect applicable large employers (ALEs) every year. Employers should establish a process for populating the forms and submitting them to the IRS. If you are responsible for completing these forms, we recommend reviewing the final instructions to ensure understanding of the requirements for completing &submitting the forms.


The following summarizes key points from the 2016 final instructions:

  • For all ALEs, Part II communicates ACA full-time employee status, coverage offered or not offered to full-time employees and the reason the full-time employee will not trigger a penalty under ACA rules. For employers that self-fund their plans, the forms also explain who is covered for individual mandate purposes (Part III).
  • Employers must either keep copies of the 1094 C and 1095 C forms that they file with the IRS or be able to reconstruct the forms for at least three years after the due date of the returns.
  • The new instructions explain more clearly how ALEs file. The IRS first determines whether the organization is an ALE (50 or more full-time and full-time equivalents). Status as an ALE is determined based on the IRS controlled group. A 1094 C must be completed for each EIN that has employees associated with it. An employer may submit more than one 1094 C for an EIN but one must be marked as the authoritative transmittal. At least one 1094 C must be submitted for each employer with a different EIN that is part of an IRS control group and has employees associated with that EIN.
  • The due dates remain the same. Employers must send 1095 C forms to employees by January 31st. Employers must also send the 1094 C and 1095 C forms to the IRS. The due date depends on how the forms are submitted. Forms submitted on paper (under 250 forms) must be sent to the IRS by February 28th. Forms submitted electronically (250 or more forms) must be sent to the IRS by March 31st.
  • Extensions were available in 2015 but they didn’t apply because the submission dates were delayed. Going forward, the following potential extensions are available:
    • Employers can get an automatic 30-day extension on IRS submissions by completing Form 8809 before the due date. They can file Form 8809 on paper or electronically through the FIRE system.
    • Under certain hardship conditions, an employer can follow the instructions on Form 8809 to apply for an additional 30-day extension.
  • Employers issuing more than two hundred fifty 1095 Cs must submit them to the IRS electronically. Employers can apply to waive electronic filing by submitting Form 8508. This Form should be submitted at least 45 days before the due date. The IRS will not process any waiver requests before January 1 of the calendar year in which the forms are due. Waivers must be applied for and approved each year. If a waiver is approved, it will apply to any corrected forms submitted for that same year. If you submit the initial forms electronically, you can submit corrections on paper as long as there are 250 or fewer. If there are more than 250 corrected forms, they need to be submitted electronically or you need an approved waiver for submitting the forms on paper. If you fail to file electronically when you are required to and do not have an approved waiver, you may have to pay a penalty of up to $260 per form. Penalties may be waived if you can show reasonable cause for not filing electronically. This penalty will not apply to the first 250 forms.
  • Employers who want to send electronic 1095 C forms to employees must first obtain their employees’ consent. The same process and rules apply to these forms that apply to providing the W-2 electronically. Employers need consent specific to Form 1095 C in order send electronically.
  • Instructions include details on filing corrected forms. Most employers had their filing accepted even though there were errors. Many filed corrected forms this year. The correction process did not change for 2016.
  • New instructions update the penalties:
    • Penalty for failing to file a correct information return with the IRS is generally $260/per return. The total penalties that can be assessed for failing to file a correct return in a calendar year is capped $3,193,000
    • Penalty for failing to give an individual a correct form is generally $260/per form. The total penalties that can be assessed for not giving an individual a correct form in a calendar year is capped $3,193,000.
    • Special rules apply that may increase the per form penalty and penalty caps. An increased penalty applies if the employer intentionally disregards the requirement to file the forms and/or provide the forms to eligible individuals.
    • Penalties may be waived if the failure was due to reasonable cause and not willful neglect.
  • The final 2016 instructions explain how to report coverage under a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA).
  • The final 2016 instructions clarify COBRA reporting situations. A qualified beneficiary may become COBRA eligible for different reasons and the reason may impact how to report the situation.
  • The 2016 instructions also clarify how to report on post-employment coverage, for example, retiree health plan coverage. 

The 2016 instructions are much clearer than the filing instructions from 2015.

FORM 1094 C

The following summarizes key points from the final 2016 Form 1094 C:

  • On 1094 C Form, line 22, some of the transition relief options have been removed, and others remain. The options that were removed did not apply beyond 2015.
  • Line 22 relates to offers of coverage and transitional relief. The instructions clearly indicate you need to either check box “A” (the “qualifying offer method”) if you intend to use code 1A on line 14 for at least one employee or provide a substitute statement to any full-time employee.
  • On page 2, column A, the circumstances for checking “yes” to Minimum Essential Coverage Offer Indicator have changed. 
  • On page 2, column (b), do not include any employees in a limited non-assessment period in the full-time employee headcount for the month.
  • On page 2, column ©, you are required to enter a total employee count. This count does include full-time and part-time employees. It also includes employees in limited non-assessment periods.


The 1094 C has changed minimally for 2016.

FORM 1095

The following summarizes key points from the final 2016 Form 1095 C:

  • An employee in a limited non-assessment period is not considered an employee for reporting purposes. Limited non-assessment periods include time spent in a new hire waiting period as well as the new hire measurement period for employees that are look-back measured.
  • The instructions clarify how self-funded employers need to report. 
  • New instructions note that ALEs offering coverage through an insured plan or a multi-employer health plan should not complete Part III on Form 1095 C. In these cases, the insurance carrier or plan sponsor of the multi-employer health plan provides Form 1095 B to indicate who was covered under the contract during the year.
  • The new instructions state there may be more than one way to report an employee offer of coverage. Employers can report using any code combination that accurately reflects coverage situations.
  • Self-funded employers can use Forms 1094 B and 1095 B to report coverage on non-employees who may be covered under the self-funded plan. This could include non-employee directors, those retired for the entire year, or a non-employee COBRA qualified beneficiary. These individuals can be reported on the 1095 C forms as well.
  • The 2016 1095 C Form includes the Plan Start Month. This box is optional again in 2016. The employer simply enters a two-digit code to indicate the first month of the plan year. For example, January is 01, February is 02 and so on.
  • The approach for reporting individuals covered by a multi-employer arrangement (for example, union trust plans) remains the same in 2016.This process may change in 2017.
  • Line 14 has two new code options. New codes show conditional spouse coverage:
    • 1J – Minimum essential coverage (MEC) providing minimum value is offered to employee. MEC is conditionally offered to spouse. No coverage offered to dependent children.
    • 1K – Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value is offered to employee. MEC is offered to dependent children. MEC is conditionally offered to the spouse.


A conditional coverage offer to a spouse does not include a spousal surcharge. It does include spousal force outs (spouse not offered coverage if coverage is available through spouse’s employer). Another conditional offer would be if you required spouses to enroll in their employers’ plan, before they could be eligible for your plan.

  • The 2016 instructions note that an employer can’t enter safe harbor codes (2F, 2G, 2H) in line 16 if the employer fails to offer 95% of full-time employees/dependent children minimum essential coverage (MEC).
  • Instructions note that the safe harbors apply the indexed percentage amount going forward. It is 9.66% in 2016 and 9.69% in 2017.
  • The 2016 instructions cover situations where two or more employees of an ALE are married or parent and child. 



Employers should start addressing how they will handle reporting for 2016. If you are responsible for completing or checking the forms, read through the instructions. The final 2016 instructions explain more practically the reporting requirements. More examples are included as well.

If you are a self-funded plan and choose to use the B forms for specific non-employees, the B forms and instructions can be found at:

Both the 1095 B forms and the 1095 C forms have a VOID box in the upper right hand corner. Employers are instructed to never check the VOID box.

Both the 1095 B and 1095 C forms include instructions for taxpayers to retain the form with their tax records. It appears these forms will not have to be submitted with tax returns in 2017.

The good faith compliance standard will not apply in 2016 unless the IRS decides at a later date to extend it. In addition, the original deadlines will apply.

Employers should be gearing up now to complete the necessary forms for 2016. 

2017 FSA & HSA Limits Increases

October 26 - Posted at 10:35 PM Tagged: , , , , ,

Today the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2016-55 confirming a $50 increase in the health FSA contribution limit to $2,600.

With the passing of the ACA, employee contributions to an FSA were initially limited to $2500 per plan year. This has increased since 2014 to adjust for inflation with the limit being bumped up slightly to $2550 for 2015 & 2016 plan years.

Now, for health FSA plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2017, we have a new increase in the salary reduction contribution limit to $2,600.  Be sure to double-check your Section 125 cafeteria plan document to confirm that it automatically incorporates these health FSA cost-of-living increases or to see if you need to specifically request to have the cap increased.

Earlier this year, the IRS also announced the inflation adjusted amounts for 2017 HSA contributions in Revenue Procedure 2016-28.  For individuals in self-only coverage, the 2017 contribution limit will increase to $3,400 (up from $3,350).  The family coverage contribution limit remains at $6,750 again in 2017.

EEOC Report 1 Due by September 30th

August 30 - Posted at 1:56 PM

If you employed more than 100 people in the preceding calendar year, you are required to complete and submit your EEOC Report 1 (Survey) by September 30th. You should have received a reminder letter via mail from the EEOC in August also with the link to file the report online.

Please contact our office for information about the EEOC Report 1 or for the link to the EEOC’s web based filing system.

Oct. 14th Deadline Nears for Medicare Part D Coverage Notices

August 29 - Posted at 9:19 PM Tagged: , , , , , , ,

Prior to each year’s Medicare Part D annual enrollment period, plan sponsors that offer prescription drug coverage must provide notices of creditable or noncreditable coverage to Medicare-eligible individuals.

The required notices may be provided in annual enrollment materials, separate mailings or electronically. Whether plan sponsors use the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) model notices or other notices that meet prescribed standards, they must provide the required disclosures no later than Oct. 14, 2016.

Group health plan sponsors that provide prescription drug coverage to Medicare Part D-eligible individuals must also disclose annually to the CMS—generally, by March 1—whether the coverage is creditable or noncreditable. The disclosure obligation applies to all plan sponsors that provide prescription drug coverage, even those that do not offer prescription drug coverage to retirees.


The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 requires group health plan sponsors that provide prescription drug coverage to disclose annually to individuals eligible for Medicare Part D whether the plan’s coverage is “creditable” or “noncreditable.” Prescription drug coverage is creditable when it is at least actuarially equivalent to Medicare’s standard Part D coverage and noncreditable when it does not provide, on average, as much coverage as Medicare’s standard Part D plan. The CMS has provided a Creditable Coverage Simplified Determination method that plan sponsors can use to determine if a plan provides creditable coverage.

Disclosure of whether their prescription drug coverage is creditable allows individuals to make informed decisions about whether to remain in their current prescription drug plan or enroll in Medicare Part D during the Part D annual enrollment period. Individuals who do not enroll in Medicare Part D during their initial enrollment period (IEP), and who subsequently go at least 63 consecutive days without creditable coverage (e.g., they dropped their creditable coverage or have non-creditable coverage) generally will pay higher premiums if they enroll in a Medicare drug plan at a later date.

Who Gets the Notices?

Notices must be provided to all Part D eligible individuals who are covered under, or eligible for, the employer’s prescription drug plan—regardless of whether the coverage is primary or secondary to Medicare Part D. “Part D eligible individuals” are generally age 65 and older or under age 65 and disabled, and include active employees and their dependents, COBRA participants and their dependents, and retirees and their dependents.

Because the notices advise plan participants whether their prescription drug coverage is creditable or noncreditable, no notice is required when prescription drug coverage is not offered.

Also, employers that provide prescription drug coverage through a Medicare Part D Employer Group Waiver Plan (EGWP) are not required to provide the creditable coverage notice to individuals who are eligible for the EGWP.

Notice Requirements

The Medicare Part D annual enrollment period runs from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. Each year, before the enrollment period begins (i.e., by Oct. 14), plan sponsors must notify Part D eligible individuals whether their prescription drug coverage is creditable or non-creditable. The Oct. 14 deadline applies to insured and self-funded plans, regardless of plan size, employer size or grandfathered status

Part D eligible individuals must be given notices of the creditable or non-creditable status of their prescription drug coverage:

  • Before an individual’s IEP for Part D.
  • Before the effective date of coverage for any     Medicare-eligible individual who joins an employer plan.
  • Whenever prescription drug coverage ends or creditable     coverage status changes.
  • Upon the individual’s request.

According to CMS, the requirement to provide the notice prior to an individual’s IEP will also be satisfied as long as the notice is provided to all plan participants each year before the beginning of the Medicare Part D annual enrollment period.

Model notices that can be used to satisfy creditable/non-creditable coverage disclosure requirements are available in both English and Spanish on the CMS website. Plan sponsors that choose not to use the model disclosure notices must provide notices that meet prescribed content standards.

Notices of creditable/non-creditable coverage may be included in annual enrollment materials, sent in separate mailings or delivered electronically. Plan sponsors may provide electronic notice to plan participants who have regular work-related computer access to the sponsor’s electronic information system. However, plan sponsors that use this disclosure method must inform participants that they are responsible for providing notices to any Medicare-eligible dependents covered under the group health plan.

Electronic notice may also be provided to employees who do not have regular work-related computer access to the plan sponsor’s electronic information system and to retirees or COBRA qualified beneficiaries, but only with a valid email address and their prior consent. Before individuals can effectively consent, they must be informed of the right to receive a paper copy, how to withdraw consent, how to update address information, and any hardware/software requirements to access and save the disclosure. In addition to emailing the notice to the individual, the sponsor must also post the notice (if not personalized) on its website.

In Closing

Plan sponsors that offer prescription drug coverage will have to determine whether their drug plan’s coverage satisfies CMS’s creditable coverage standard and provide appropriate creditable/noncreditable coverage disclosures to Medicare-eligible individuals no later than Oct. 14, 2016.

Two New Employee Posters Released by DOL

August 02 - Posted at 3:03 PM Tagged: , , , , ,

The Department of Justice released two new employee posters effective 8/1/16. Be sure to check your current postings and replace as needed. You can access the new posters below:

Employee Polygraph Protection Act Poster

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Minimum Wage Poster

Please contact our office if you have any questions.

The next ACA compliance hurdle employers are set to face is managing subsidy notifications and appeals. Many exchanges recently began mailing out notifications this summer and it’s important for employers to make sure they’re prepared to manage the process. Why? Well, subsidies—also referred to as Advanced Premium Tax Credits, are a trigger for employer penalties. If you fail to offer coverage to an eligible employee and the employee receives a subsidy, you may be liable for a fine. 

Step 1

If an employee receives a subsidy, you’ll receive a notice. This is where things can get complicated. You need to ensure that the notifications go directly to the correct person or department as soon as possible, because you (the employer) only have 90 days from the date on the notification to respond. And rounding up these notices may not be so easy. For example, your employee may not have put the right employer address on their exchange /  marketplace application. Most often, employees will list the address of the location where they work, not necessarily the address where the notification should go, like your headquarters or HR department. If the employee is receiving a subsidy but put a wrong address or did not put any address for their employer, you will not even receive a notice about that employee.  

Step 2

Once you receive the notification, you must decide whether or not you want to appeal the subsidy. If you offered minimum essential coverage (MEC) to the employee who received a subsidy and it met both the affordability and minimum value requirements, you should consider appealing.

You may think that appealing a subsidy and potentially getting in the way of your employee receiving a tax credit could create complications. Believe it or not, you may actually be doing your employee a favor. If an employee receives a subsidy when they weren’t supposed to, they’ll likely have to repay some (or all) of the subsidy amount back when they file their taxes. Your appeal can help minimize the chance of this happening since they will learn sooner rather than later that they didn’t qualify for the subsidy. Plus, the appeal can help prevent unnecessary fines impacting your organization by showing that qualifying coverage was in fact offered. 

Step 3

If you have grounds to appeal, you can complete an Employer Appeal Request Form and submit it to the appropriate exchange / marketplace (Note: this particular form is intended to appeal subsidies through the Federal exchange). The form will ask for information about your organization, the employee whose subsidy you’re appealing, and why you’re appealing it. Once sent, the exchange will notify both you and the employee when the appeal was received.

Step 4

Next, the exchange will review the case and make a decision. In some cases, the exchange may choose to hold a hearing. Once a decision is made, you and your employee will be notified. But it doesn’t necessarily end there. Your employee will have an opportunity to appeal the exchange’s decision with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). If HHS decides to hold a hearing, you may be called to testify. In this situation, HHS will review the case and make a final decision. If HHS decides that the employee isn’t eligible for the subsidy, then the employee may have to repay the subsidy amount for the last few months. On the other hand, if the HHS decides the employee is eligible for the subsidy, it will be important for you to keep your appeal on file since this can potentially result in a fine from the IRS later in the year.

Sound complicated? It certainly can be. Managing subsidies and appeals could quickly add up to a substantial time investment, and if handled improperly you could see additional impacts to your bottom line in the form of fines. Handling subsidy notifications and appeals properly up front can lead to fewer fines down the road, benefiting both you and your employees.

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