Seminar Recording Available

April 16 - Posted at 11:34 PM
If you were unable to attend our seminar on April 12th or if you would like to listen to it again, the recorded version of it is now available. Please let us know if you are interested in the link to the recording.

This seminar was approved for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP Professional Development Credit (PDCs). This presentation is good for 2 PDCs. Please let us know if you need the Activity ID to submit for credit.

E-Verify to Go Dark This Weekend

March 20 - Posted at 6:30 PM Tagged: , , , , , ,

The federal government’s electronic employment verification system will be unavailable this weekend due to system upgrades.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that E-Verify will be shut down from midnight March 23 to 8 a.m. March 26 Eastern Time. E-Verify users are encouraged to complete and close any open cases prior to the system shutdown.

The Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration will not be able to assist employees with case resolution issues during the outage. myE-Verify, the system’s resource portal for workers, will also be unavailable.

“During the suspension, employers will not be able to access their E-Verify accounts and employees will be unable to resolve E-Verify tentative nonconfirmations,” said Michael H. Neifach, an attorney in the Wahington, D.C., regional office of Jackson Lewis. “The E-Verify outage does not change any Form I-9 requirements,” he added. “Form I-9s must be completed no later than three business days after employment.”

To minimize the shutdown’s impact, the agency stipulated:

  • The three-day rule for creating E-Verify cases is suspended for cases affected by the outage. If an employee’s first day occurs between March 20 and March 26, employers will have until March 29 to create an E-Verify case.
  • Workers will have two additional federal working days to resolve tentative nonconfirmations.
  • Workers will have an additional two federal working days from the date listed on their referral date confirmation to contact the agencies.
  • Employers may not take adverse action against an employee because the E-Verify case is in interim case status or during the extended interim case status due to the suspension. Federal contractors with E-Verify clauses should contact their contracting officer to inquire about extending contractor deadlines.

USCIS is prepping for a move to an upgraded user interface later this month. Enhanced features are expected to include a streamlined process for creating and managing cases, modernized data-matching to reduce tentative nonconfirmations, and improved data integrity.

IRS Issues New Form W-4 and Updates Tax Withholding Calculator

March 16 - Posted at 1:00 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , , ,
At the close of February, the IRS released an updated tax withholding calculator on and issued a new Form W-4 Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate.Employees can use the online calculator to check their 2018 tax withholding following passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017. If employees choose to adjust their withholding, they can now complete and submit the revised Form W-4 to their employer.

The IRS also posted new Withholding Calculator Frequently Asked Questions.

The IRS encourages employees to check their paychecks to help ensure they’re having the right amount of tax withheld for their personal situation. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made changes to the tax law, including increasing the standard deduction, removing personal exemptions, increasing the child tax credit, limiting or discontinuing certain deductions, and changing the tax rates and income brackets.

The IRS is not requiring employers to obtain new W-4s from their employees, as it revised the withholding tables to function with the old W-4 for 2018.  However, businesses should notify employees that using the withholding calculator at and, if necessary, submitting the new form W-4 to their payroll department may result in more accurate withholding for the 2018 tax year.

Fine-Tuning Withheld Taxes
In January, the IRS released updated income-tax withholding tables for 2018 that reflected changes made by the tax reform law. The IRS instructed employers to begin using the 2018 withholding tables as soon as possible but no later than Feb. 15. However, because of the significant changes in the new tax code, employees may want to ensure that their current withholding is appropriate. Many employers may have already received inquiries, and now they can direct staff to the new 2018 W-4.

The new W-4 instructions state that if you use the withholding calculator, you don’t need to complete any of the worksheets for Form W-4. This was not stated on the previous W-4 and may indicate that the withholding calculator is the most reliable method to get taxpayers’ withholding closer to their tax liability.

The withholding changes do not affect 2017 tax returns due this April.

Withholding issues can be complicated, and the calculator is designed to help employees make changes based on their personal financial situation.  By encouraging employees to take a few minutes can help them ensure they don’t have too little—or too much—withheld from their paycheck.

A ‘Paycheck Checkup’
By checking their withholding, employees can avoid facing an unexpected tax bill or penalty at tax time in 2019, or prevent having too much tax withheld, the IRS said. With the average refund topping $2,800, some taxpayers might prefer to have less tax withheld up front and receive more in their paychecks.

Employees with simple tax situations might not need to make any changes, the IRS advised. Simple situations include singles and married couples with only one job, who have no dependents, and who have not claimed itemized deductions, adjustments to income or tax credits.

Employees with more complicated financial situations, however, might need to revise their W-4 to make sure they have the right amount of withholding. Among those who should check their withholding are employees who:
  • Have two incomes or are in two-income families
  • Work only part of the year
  • Have dividends or capital gains from securities held in taxable accounts
  • Claim the Child Tax Credit, the Earned Income Tax Credit or other credits
  • Itemized deductions in 2017
  • Have high incomes and more complex tax returns

When using the IRS withholding calculator, employees will need to have their latest pay statement handy, as they will be asked to enter the federal income tax withheld from their last salary payment and the total federal income tax withheld to date in 2018. If employees follow the recommendations at the end of the calculator and change their withholding for 2018, remind them to recheck their withholding at the start of 2019 because a withholding rate adjusted in midyear 2018 will have a different full-year affect in 2019.

Lower Withholding & Bigger Paychecks Help Employees
A mid-February spot survey  polled 1,000 workers who reported that the new withholding rates for 2018 had increased the amount of money in their paycheck. The results showed:
  • Take-home pay after taxes rose by 3.5 percent on average, with an average paycheck growing by $130.76.
  • 35.7 percent of workers are using the tax savings to pay down debt.
  • 12.8 percent are increasing their retirement savings.

Trump’s next health care target: HRAs

March 14 - Posted at 3:00 PM

When the Trump administration released its health care executive order in late 2017, it identified 3 areas they wanted to target for improvement.The last of the 3 health  items are Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), which allow workers to buy coverage with tax-free dollars.

Background on HRAs:

  • Companies create HRAs as a way to give their employees tax-free money to buy health insurance, instead offering a group traditional plan.
  • The IRS previously said HRAs did not comply with Affordable Care Act coverage requirements, but the 21st Century Cures Act made it acceptable for small companies to fund HRAs so employees can buy health insurance on or off the ACA marketplaces.

Here’s what the Department of Health and Human Services could now do:

  • Relax rules so companies of all sizes can take advantage of HRAs. Medium-sized and large employers want the same option of setting up HRAs for workers to buy ACA coverage.
  • Now that the individual mandate has been repealed for the 2019 tax year, the administration could open the door for companies to provide funds to buy noncompliant coverage.

The Trump administration has blown past the 120-day deadline it gave itself to propose new HRA regulations or revise past guidance. HHS did not respond to questions about when something might come.

Looking further ahead: Could this trigger employers to stop offering their traditional coverage and push workers toward the ACA marketplaces or elsewhere? It’s possible, especially for companies that have sick employees or are in high-risk industries. 

Big companies may not rush to adopt any potential new HRA options if they don’t want to risk an employee revolt. Job-based health plans generally have lower deductibles and more generous coverage than typical ACA plans. A main reason why employers offer benefits through work is to attract and retain talent as well.

The bottom line: This all sounds esoteric, and it is, but expanding HRAs could reshape how people get health insurance from their jobs.

IRS Announces Revised 2018 Limits for H.S.A. Contributions

March 09 - Posted at 3:00 PM
The IRS released Rev. Proc. 2018-18 on March 5th, which adjusts the limits for various tax sections, including Code Section 223/HSAs. The adjustments are the result of changes made in the Tax Reform bill signed by President Trump in December 2017.

What Changed?
The annual HSA limit for family contribution went down from the previously released $6900 to $6850 and the reduction was made effective back to January 1, 2018. The annual single limit of $3450 remains unchanged. 

What’s the Impact to HSA Account Holders?
The $50 reduction in the family contribution limits can create a headache for those HSA account holders who have already funded the full annual contribution of $6900. Those individuals will have to withdraw the $50 excise contribution before the 2018 tax filing deadline to avoid any IRS imposed penalties due to over-funding. For those who have funded no more than $6850 for 2018, there is nothing needed to be done.

5 Employee Handbook Updates to Watch in 2018

March 06 - Posted at 1:00 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , ,

When was the last time the company handbook was reviewed? It’s a worthy priority for the new year—or anytime, really. Handbooks are living documents that should be reviewed regularly, especially considering the federal government’s focus on deregulation and ever-changing updates from state legislatures and municipalities. Here are five key issues that may trigger updates:

1. Workplace conduct and social media

Under former President Barack Obama, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) scrutinized social media policies and other workplace conduct standards that may limit workers’ rights. For example, in many cases the board considered employee social media posts that are critical of employers a form of protected concerted activity and thus not necessarily grounds for disciplinary action. 

With the Trump administration, the pendulum may swing the opposite way, giving employers more leeway to develop workplace conduct rules, said Bruce Sarchet, an attorney with Littler in Sacramento.

Already, the board overruled its previous standard that struck down policies if they could be “reasonably construed” to curb employee discussions about wages and working conditions—even if the policies weren’t intended to do so. “With [the] signal of a sea change in NLRB policy, employers need to pay close attention to the board’s new ‘policies on policies’ as they develop,” said Bonnie Martin, an attorney with Ogletree Deakins in Indianapolis. In the meantime, make sure your handbook’s conduct guidelines are specific and clear. 

2. Sexual harassment 

With sexual harassment news sweeping the country, make sure your policies spell out exactly how employees can complain and give people multiple outlets for doing so. “Having a policy that requires employees to report incidents to their supervisor isn’t helpful if the supervisor is the one doing the harassing,” said Randi Kochman, an attorney with Cole Schotz in Hackensack, N.J.

Take state requirements into account as well. California, for example, has mandated that content on harassment based on gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation be included in supervisor training. The change took effect Jan. 1. 

3. Parental leave

Leave laws are expanding in many states. In California, for example, businesses with 20-49 employees must offer job-protected baby-bonding leave beginning this year.

Workers in New York will be eligible for paid family leave in 2018, and even in states without such provisions, many businesses are opting to provide paid parental time off. 

When updating handbooks, don’t include separate baby-bonding rules for mothers and fathers, Kochman said. While employers can include differing standards for mothers regarding the physical limitations imposed by pregnancy, they should use genderless terms such as “primary caretaker” in their parental leave policies.

4. Disability and other accommodations

An employer’s obligation to provide leave could go beyond the 12 weeks afforded under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act. For example, a request for intermittent leave to treat a medical condition may be considered a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

While the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that leave that extends beyond FMLA isn’t considered a reasonable accommodation, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and other courts disagree. 

That’s why it’s important to carefully review policies and keep up with developing laws.

Medical marijuana case law is also evolving. In 2017, several courts ruled that registered medical marijuana users who were fired or passed over for jobs for using the drug could bring claims under state disability laws.

“HR professionals should review their drug-testing policies and practices and consider consulting counsel before taking any adverse action following a positive drug test for marijuana in a state in which medical or recreational use is legal,” said Cheryl Orr, an attorney with Drinker Biddle in San Francisco.

5. The bigger picture

With all the state and local changes, it may no longer work to have a single handbook with blanket policies for workers in different locations. “Now is a good time to add state supplements to the handbook that are distributed only to employees within the relevant state,” said Jeffrey Pasek, an attorney with Cozen O’Connor in Philadelphia.

Should Employers Allow Concealed Weapon Permit Holders To Carry Guns At Work?

March 01 - Posted at 3:34 PM Tagged: , , , , ,

As mass shootings have continued with regular frequency in the United States, our country remains deeply divided, not only with the cause of these tragic events, but also on how to stop them from occurring. Many have called for increased gun control, including a ban on assault-style rifles like the AR-15 and universal background check requirements for all firearms transactions. Others have called for fewer restrictions on law-abiding gun owners’ ability to carry concealed firearms at their places of work and on public property, arguing that additional guns on the scene often prevent unnecessary harm. 

Employers are caught in the middle of this debate, as they often must resolve the issue of whether employees with concealed carry permits should be allowed to carry their firearms at work. Would doing so make workplaces safer or more dangerous? Are there potential legal liability issues to consider? In making this decision, you need to assess a constellation of legal and policy factors. 

Title VII Bars Sexual Orientation Discrimination, 2nd Circuit Decides

February 27 - Posted at 8:16 PM Tagged: , ,

The split among appeals courts over whether Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits sexual orientation discrimination deepened Feb. 26, as the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that it does. The decision makes it likely that the Supreme Court ultimately will have to rule on the issue, said Michelle Phillips, an attorney with Jackson Lewis in White Plains, N.Y.

Two appellate courts now agree with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC’s) position that Title VII protects against discrimination based on sexual orientation.

“Claims of sexual orientation discrimination are increasingly being litigated,” said Sam Schwartz-Fenwick, an attorney with Seyfarth Shaw in Chicago. “[A]n increasing number of courts are finding that such claims can be brought under Title VII, the law remains in flux. This uncertainty will continue until the Supreme Court addresses the issue or Congress passes clarifying legislation.”

He recommended that employers increase their sensitivity to issues related to sexual orientation in the workplace during this period of uncertainty.

Phillips noted that 22 states plus the District of Columbia prohibit sexual orientation discrimination.

Fired Gay Skydiver Sues

In the 2nd Circuit case, a skydiving instructor sued his former employer, alleging he was fired from his job after he revealed to a female customer that he was gay. He told her this to calm her worry about being strapped tightly to him during the jump. Her boyfriend complained to the employer following this disclosure and alleged that the skydiver touched her inappropriately, and the instructor was discharged. He alleged sex discrimination under Title VII, asserting that he was fired because he failed to conform to male sex stereotypes and because he was gay.

The plaintiff died in a skydiving accident, but his estate continued with the claim. The district court dismissed his Title VII claim. It held that the plaintiff had failed to show gender stereotyping under Title VII based on his sexual orientation. In addition, it noted that prior case law in the 2nd Circuit held that Title VII did not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation.

2nd Circuit Changes Course

During oral arguments before the 2nd Circuit in this case, the EEOC advocated for a broad reading of Title VII that encompassed sexual orientation. But the Justice Department argued that Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination did not extend to claims of sexual orientation discrimination, Schwartz-Fenwick noted.

The 2nd Circuit reversed, overruling prior case law and determining that sexual orientation should be treated as a subset of sex discrimination for several reasons:

  • Sexual orientation is defined by one’s sex in relation to the gender of those to whom one is attracted.
  • Sexual orientation discrimination is based on assumptions or stereotypes about how members of a particular gender should behave, including to whom they should be attracted.
  • Sexual orientation discrimination is associational discrimination based on gender.

The 2nd Circuit also observed that the EEOC and the 7th Circuit had reversed their previous views that Title VII did not bar sexual orientation discrimination, Schwartz-Fenwick noted.

But in 2017, the 11th Circuit held that Title VII did not extend to sexual orientation, he observed. The Supreme Court declined to review the 11th Circuit Court’s decision in December 2017.

The other federal appeals courts—namely the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th and 10th Circuits—have also held that sexual orientation is not expressly covered by Title VII, said Sean Crotty, an attorney with Honigman in Detroit. The Supreme Court may want to see more recent opinions from the circuits on the issue before granting review, he said.

The 2nd Circuit encompasses Connecticut, New York and Vermont.

AAG’s Seminar- One Year Into The Trump Administration

February 13 - Posted at 1:00 PM Tagged: , , , , , , , , , ,

Hosted by AAG & Hammond Law Center

With one year concluded under the Trump Administration, recent developments both related and unrelated to politics have drastically impacted the workplace. Join us to learn about these changes and their ramifications.

Guest Speaker Keith Hammond, of Hammond Law Center, will cover topics including:
  • Employment & Immigration Law
  • Workplace Sexual Harassment
  • Wage & Hour Developments
  • Paid Leave Laws
  • NLRB Update

We will also have a guest speaker for the last portion of the seminar who will discuss Cyber Risk & Insurance.

Please be sure to RSVP by Friday, March 30th via email ( or phone (#386-738-1895 x109) as seating is limited and we expect seating to fill up fast.

When: Thursday, April 12th, 2018
Time: 8:30- 10:30 am (Registration begins at 8:00am)
Where: Maitland Civic Center
641 Maitland Ave South, Maitland, FL 32751

Cost: $149 / person (FREE to AAG Clients!)

You will also be eligible to receive 2 professional development credits with SHRM for this seminar.

New Tax Law Provides Employer Tax Credit for Compensation Paid to Employees While on Family and Medical Leave

February 02 - Posted at 5:00 PM Tagged: , , , ,

The new federal tax law, signed by President Trump in December, contains a number of provisions that will impact the workplace and employers. One specific change has to do with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). As many are aware, FMLA requires employers to provide certain employees with up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave annually for specified family and medical reasons. The leave may be paid or unpaid.

To encourage employers to provide eligible employees with paid leave under FMLA, the new tax law provides eligible employers with a new business credit equal to 12.5% of the amount of wages paid to “qualifying employees” during any period in which such employees are on family and medical leave as long as the rate of payment under the program is at least 50% of the employee’s normal wages. The credit increases from 12.5% by 0.25 percentage points (but not above 25% of wages) for each percentage point by which the rate of payment exceeds 50%. The credit can be used to lower an employer’s taxable income, subject to limitations, and applicable alternative minimum tax. The amount of paid family and medical leave used to determine the tax credit for an employee may not exceed 12 weeks.

To be eligible for the credit, an employer must have a written policy that provides all qualifying full-time employees with at least two weeks of annual paid family and medical leave. Part-time employees are also to be allowed a commensurate amount of leave on a pro rata basis. Qualifying employees are those who have worked for the company for at least one year and were paid no more than 60% of the compensation threshold for highly compensated employees in the previous year. (For 2018, 60% of the compensation threshold is equal to 60% x $120,000 = $72,000.)

For purposes of the credit, any leave paid for by a State or local government or required by State or local law shall not be taken into account in determining the amount of paid family and medical leave provided by the employer. For example, if a jurisdiction, such as Chicago has an ordinance that provides paid sick leave for FMLA-permitted purposes, an employer will not qualify for the business tax credit if the paid leave is provided to be in compliance with the ordinance. As a result, it is important that the employer have a clear policy in place. 

The Secretary of Treasury will determine whether an employer or an employee satisfies applicable requirements for the employer to be eligible for the tax credit based on information provided by the employer as the Secretary determines to be necessary or appropriate.

If the employee takes a paid leave for other reasons, such as vacation leave, personal leave, or other medical or sick leave, this paid leave will not be considered to be family and medical leave for purposes of the credit.  

The credit is effective for wages paid in taxable years starting on January 1, 2018. It is set to expire for wages paid in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2019. 

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