Free FMLA Leave Calculator App Available

September 08 - Posted at 2:00 PM Tagged: , , ,

Fisher & Phillips has recently released a Family Medical & Leave Act (FMLA) Calculator App. This free, award-winning app is available for smartphones and tablets. There’s even a version you can use in your web browser. Please visit for links to download the Android and iOS versions, or to launch the web browser version on your computer.

The app helps employers calculate leaves of absence under FMLA. Anyone managing people can use the app to calculate leave requests (other than intermittent and reduced schedule) and determine how much FMLA leave an employee has available. The user-friendly interface works very simply. In seconds a manager is able to see how much FMLA leave an employee has available, when an employee should return to work after the current leave request, and how much FMLA leave is remaining, if any. 

The app features include:

  • a choice of the four FMLA measuring periods: Rolling Backward, Rolling Forward (from the start of leave), Calendar Year, Fixed 12 Month Leave Year;
  • ability to factor in work stoppage periods during leave requests;
  • ability to factor in the number of hours per week and the days each week that the employee works; and
  • a calculation of any accumulated leave that accrues during a leave period

The app reports the number of days of leave available, when the employee should return to work based on the new leave request, and how much leave, if any, the employee has remaining after the current leave request is completed.

Human Resources or any other manager using the app can email the information directly to the employee who requested the leave. Of course, further documentation to the employee should be provided as required by the FMLA. 

Please note: The FMLA Leave App should not be construed as or relied upon for legal advice. The Family and Medical Leave Act is a complicated law and it is difficult to anticipate the various circumstances that may arise in handling requests for leave. The contents are intended for general information purposes only and are only able to calculate leaves in limited circumstances. 

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